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Weight Loss For People Who Feel Too Much: A 4-Step, 8-Week Plan To Finally Lose The Weight, Manage Emotional Eating, And Find Your Fabulous Self
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Here’s the truth: Other people’s drama is making you fat. You’re a good person. You feel for other people’s troubles and challenges. Heck, you’re probably the go-to person for a whole list of people when the going gets tough! But is your caring nature keeping you out of the best shape of your life? Break the cycle and be the loving person you are—without letting other people’s drama keep you from being a hot mamma! Weight Loss for People Who Feel Too Much focuses on the keys to weight loss for sensitive people. With a simple, practical program, bestselling author and internationally renowned intuitive counselor Colette Baron-Reid shows you how to release the extra pounds and create a new, healthy relationship with your body, your weight, and food. This 4-step, 8-week program will show you how to finally let go of what’s weighing you down, physically and emotionally. You will learn how to: • Reverse empathy overload and establish healthy boundaries • Avoid the “noisy” trigger foods that lead to autopilot eating • Deal with challenging situations and avoid your detours, from procrastination to perfectionism, that sabotage the success you deserve This book is your guide to having a new healthy, loving relationship with your food and your feelings. It’s the end to other people’s drama—and the beginning to the body (and life) you deserve!From the Hardcover edition.

Audio CD

Publisher: Random House Audio; Unabridged edition (January 1, 2013)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0385360673

ISBN-13: 978-0385360678

Product Dimensions: 5.1 x 1.2 x 5.9 inches

Shipping Weight: 8.8 ounces

Average Customer Review: 4.3 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (108 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #575,265 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #28 in Books > Books on CD > Cooking, Food & Wine #73 in Books > Books on CD > Health, Mind & Body > Fitness #622 in Books > Health, Fitness & Dieting > Mental Health > Eating Disorders

If you are a fan of Colette Baron-Reid, you will probably enjoy this book even if you don't have weight issues. If you are not familiar with her, she is a gifted intuitive counselor (she does not like the term medium) who has appeared on Dr. Phil and written other books on intuition. I am probably a bit biased, having attended her live workshops. I was expecting this to be good because I enjoyed The Map and Remembering the Future: The Path to Recovering Intuition.Her knowledge of this subject is first hand, having gained 70 pounds in 3 months when her mother died. I could relate to her experience, having done the same thing when my son died. Over the years she tried everything from dieting to overeaters anonymous, but it was only when she linked clairsentience, or "feeling too much" with food and weight that she was able to drop the extra pounds, stop dieting, and find peace with this.So, what exactly does it mean to "feel too much"? Some people are very empathic, and they tend to pick up the feelings of others around them. When the other people are carrying negative feelings, you can pick up the negative energy and become emotionally (and physically) overloaded. I think everyone has experienced how a negative person can bring you down.The book is based on her highly successful program that she has conducted live and online. The book, like her program is very interactive with questionnaires, visualizations, and suggestions for understanding your emotions.

First of all, I was skeptical of this book since most of the "five star" reviews were done on the same day (January 1st has ten reviews!), and the following days have several "five star reviews" each day. Most of the reviewers only reviewed this authors books.This reeks of "paid reviews", but I also know some publishers give advance copies so I gave her the benefit of the doubt (I really wanted to appreciate this book). I felt like it was about time a book dealt with the emotional side of weight loss. However, this book fell short by miles.First of all, the title of the book creates tension and stress itself. Saying people "feel too much" is just putting more pressure on people, implying they are doing something wrong. You can never "feel too much". We are humans, we are on this earth to feel, because this is how we learn and grow. If everything felt the same, we would stay stagnant. So, I think a better title would have created a differnt direction for this book. I believe those who "feel too much" are simply people who have suffered a lot in childhood, and haven't released those emotions - so those emotions continue to present themselves. This is not a bad thing, as these are often the people who learn the most from life, and often go on to do great things. It is not simply a case of "feeling too much".The book itself, is like other reviewes stated, very redundant. It makes me believe the author was creating filler, instead of being simple and focused.This will probably turn off a lot of people. When she finally gets to the exercises and such, it all seems like stuff I have read before. Journaling and writing your feelings down.

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