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Storey's Guide To Raising Chickens, 3rd Edition
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Gail Damerow shows you how to choose the right breeds for your needs, build efficient chicken coops, provide necessary medical attention for your animals, and much more. Whether you’re raising broilers for meat or preparing your chickens to win a blue ribbon at the next county fair, Storey’s Guide to Raising Chickens will help you achieve your poultry-raising goals.

Paperback: 448 pages

Publisher: Storey Publishing, LLC; 3rd edition (January 20, 2010)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1603424695

ISBN-13: 978-1603424691

Product Dimensions: 6 x 1.1 x 9 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.5 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.7 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (375 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #17,168 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #9 in Books > Business & Money > Industries > Agriculture #12 in Books > Textbooks > Science & Mathematics > Agriculture #15 in Books > Science & Math > Agricultural Sciences > Animal Husbandry

Okay, first off, this book is BIG. I honestly was not expecting it to be this chunky! 438 pages chock-ful of info about how to raise your own chickens.The book is divided into 14 (!) chapters, each of them being quite in-depth. Since they're all so long, I will give you a rundown of the first one, Choosing a Breed, which encompasses a brief description of breeds known by man. It starts off with Breed Selection, where the author describes meat, layer, low maintenance, and ornamental breeds, among others; a discussion of "Purebreed" versus "Hybrid"; advice for the reader to weigh the pros and cons of starting a flock with eggs, or with baby chicks; Examining Birds, a section which includes a diagram to identify a healthy chicken and ADVICE on how not to get an old, sickly one; and finally, Getting Started, where some basic guidelines for time of the year and flock size are established: the author gives you three "golden flock-size rules", which I won't tell you - you'll have to find out by yourself!The second chapter is Fowl Disposition , which is all about chicken personalities and behavior. Next up is Shelter, where the author describes free range, fenced range, portable and permanent shelters, cages and fences in detail , including subsectyions on yard and range rotation. Chapters 4 and 5 deal with feed, water, and Routine Management, which is extremely useful - there is a very long and elaborate list of predators, including drawings of their footprints and lists of signs of damage that can help the reader identify what predator they are dealing with. Besides this, there are also some basic clean up guides, such as trimming beaks, claws, and feathers, as well as Chicken Integration, describing how well chickens and other livestock can get along for maximum profit and fun.

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