File Size: 1614 KB
Print Length: 176 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publisher: Accelerance, Inc (March 31, 2016)
Publication Date: March 31, 2016
Sold by: Digital Services LLC
Language: English
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
X-Ray: Not Enabled
Word Wise: Enabled
Lending: Not Enabled
Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled
Best Sellers Rank: #979,501 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #88 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Business & Money > Management & Leadership > Outsourcing #136 in Books > Business & Money > Human Resources > Outsourcing #1317 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Computers & Technology > Programming > Software Design > Software Development
This is the second novel about IT that I've read. The first was the Phoenix Project. I believe that this novel and that are clearly related, in approach if not necessarily in overall theme. I'm going to break down this book into two sections, one is the advice and concepts around outsourcing, and the second the novel itself.I work in IT. I'm not in management. I'm just a lowly producer, teacher, developer, author & evangelist. I'm not at the "C" level of my organization and I'm unlikely to get there. As such, outsourcing, and what's worse, off-shoring, are scary topics indeed. This book, Outsource or Else, was not written for people at my level. It's much more meant for the people at the "C" level of an organization. For those people, I think the advice in the book is extremely useful. The steps for choosing an outsourcing organization, which are discussed in more detail at the end of the book, seem to make sense to me. From that point of view, I think the book is successful. From the point of view that I'm looking at it, I don't see how outsourcing and offshoring work to make my life better, unless my organization is kept afloat by that act, and frankly, what then does happen to me or people like me. In the book they say "name one person who has been put out of work by outsourcing" and unfortunately, I can. Not just one. Quite a large number, including people who have had to travel overseas in order to train their replacements prior to losing their jobs. While this advice looks good for those at the "C" level, the rest of us... the picture just isn't so rosy as it gets painted in this book.The novel itself suffers from some of the same pains as the Phoenix Project. The characters are somewhat wooden. The plot has a pretty clear goal...
Disclosure: I was provided the book by the author for the purposes of writing a review.The short story: Do you need to get acquainted with outsourcing? Have you tried outsourcing but it didn't work? Read this book. You're going to get a qualified look on the outsourcing field, while having a nice time.This book is a new entrant on the "The Goal" category, where a distressed hero, Jason, is rescued by an out-of-this-worldly figure, bearing the colors of a guru. The story starts at 100 mph, crashing Jason in a situation doomed from even before the beginning. Following orders, his guts, clues from friends or simply taking a leap of faith, the protagonist goes from outsource skeptic to a hands down believer. The history is very entertaining, fast paced, easy to read and well written.The book delivers the message home from the beginning. It does not push awkward or improbable situations and every character feels like a real person (well, the ones who have more than a line, at least.) I am not from the outsourcing industry but every one of the seven points make plain sense, so I really took something new, and I believe valuable, with me.This is the book to go for to get the feeling on outsourcing, and none of its downsides impedes profiting from it. That said, there are a few points which would enrich it had it a second edition. Overall, the book feels short, not abbreviated mind you, but too fast a reading. The final testing scene, for instance, would make a whole chapter, easily. "The Goal" set a high standard for critical situations, where you are struck by the pain and sorrow and all that suffering. Outsource(...
In this tech fiction story, Jason Jaye, VPE of ShapeShift, learns his team will have to add massive functionality to its new product in just six months or the VCs will shut off the tap. Jason has been having no success hiring developers one at a time in the Valley. Now he needs a whole phalanx of them. Given budget, his only choice is to outsource. But no one in the Valley will outsource since Rick Looney failed his company and his job so spectacularly a few years previously. He gets sent to tech-professionals meeting to hear Patrick Delaney describe why and how to outsource successfully. Delaney shares 7 Keys of Software Outsourcing:• Great developers are everywhere• Focus on your vision, not on how to build/deliver• In-person investigation is critical• Quality matters as much as price• Think like a partner and embrace cultural differences• The relationship is as important as technical requirements and capabilities• Everything you invest in hiring a good outsourcing team will return to you threefold Jason narrows his choices to five, then visits all 5 in all parts of the world. He chooses the one in Medellin, for best technical and cultural fit for his needs. He overcomes various issues in various ways, including flying key folks to Colombia. He overcomes a home-team issue – his CTO quits – by finding a CTO from his outsourcing company. (Their strength is why he hired them!) And he succeeds. There’s a secondary story in the novel. Jason and his wife have hired a landscaping company to do their backyard. They realize their misfortunes with the project are directly related to having followed none of the 7 steps above. (And that the general contractor has failed them for following none of the steps in hiring his help.
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