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Introduction To Hospitality (6th Edition)
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The Sixth Edition of Introduction to Hospitality focuses on hospitality operations while offering a broad, comprehensive foundation of current knowledge about the world’s largest industry. Throughout, author John R. Walker invites students to share this industry’s unique enthusiasm and passion. The text is organized into five sections: the hospitality industry and tourism; lodging; restaurants, managed services, and beverages; recreation, theme parks, clubs, and gaming entertainment; and assemblies and event management. Each section includes insight from industry professionals, contains up-to-date information on career opportunities, and includes many examples illuminating current industry trends and realities. Extensively revised and updated, this edition contains new photos, new page layouts, and new coverage on topics ranging from sustainability to globalization.

Hardcover: 608 pages

Publisher: Pearson; 6 edition (March 24, 2012)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 013281465X

ISBN-13: 978-0132814652

Product Dimensions: 7.8 x 1 x 10 inches

Shipping Weight: 3 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.3 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (59 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #35,737 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #56 in Books > Business & Money > Industries > Hospitality, Travel & Tourism #686 in Books > Textbooks > Business & Finance #10252 in Books > Reference

I have been teaching the college lever intro course for well over 20 years. I have used many text and supplemented same. John's book is succinct, well written and dosen't bore you with trivia. Students thinking about a career in hospitality are interested in finding out all they can in a short period of time what the hospitality industry has to offer. Walker's book, I have used as Department Chair at two colleges, is still the best book on the market. John quickly exposes the unsuspecting studentto a array of opportunities that many of them never thought that they could get to via a career in the hospitality industry. The stero typical notion of HRIM Majors being "Burger Flippers" is quickly dispelled when John's book is used along with supplemental material demonstrating further connections to many facets of the service industry.I thank John Walker many times over for his diligence in keeping consistent the material with regular updates. Other books are good, but John's is the best. Afer more than 44 times of teaching this class, I will stick with John's text. It is an sperb read for those who are either beginning a career or who may be searching for a place to start. It also ties in nicely with other courses that often capture a readers interest to continue on and seek out more information. It is a great recruitment tool if used well.

Read this book! It's awesome. It gives an inside look at certain hotels, resorts, and restaurants. It's easy to follow and understand. So, if you're a HM major, I suggest you pick up a copy of this book today.

The only reason I bought this book was because I needed this for a course I was taking. Every week, I have to read the chapter and so far the book is very informative however, the way they organize the material in each chapter sometimes gets a little overwhelming. I honestly could just read the summaries at the end of each chapter and say that I read the entire book. I recently took a midterm and majority of the questions revolved around the chapter summaries.The best thing about the book is that there are information that I never ever knew before regarding the hotel business and how some hotels and motels came to be very well known. Another really awesome thing about the book is the references to the people who changed and revolutionized the hospitality industry. To some extent, this is more of a history of hospitality book than a book about hospitality procedures and practices in general.

It is well written and worthwhile. I use it as a textbook for my course at Cypress College (HRC 101) and do not be dissuaded that it appears different from the book the other students use -- the hardcover has a different cover photo and it is a paperback but content is the same/ Pineapple, BTW is the international symbol for hospitality, which is the pic you see on this. If you can get this at a cheaper price than the bookstore (mine cost almost as much, I paid about $55-60) do so.BTW, the text is not hard to read nor understand -- it is not rocket-science to understand hospitality. It seems worthwhile to take as a course because you can get an advantage over those who simply walk in, at least that was my plan. I need a career where I can earn money now. HRC 101 is the pre-requisite for most other HRC classes and used for certificates for professional studies

Very poorly put together. The editing is terrible, they missed a lot of errors. The writing is rambling and not entirely relevant. Key words are highlighted in bold, however they don't always get a distinct definition or really any context. Very difficult to use as a study guide for my course, I recommended my College select a different text for this course. (by the way, my grade was an A, but this book made it more difficult)

This book is a great book for learning the Hospitality industry in terms of economics, accounting, history, and more. This book is easy to read and understand. However, I have encountered some typos. This would have been a five star book had it not had so many typos. Other than that -it's a GREAT read.

I don't know about everyone else, but I have to be honest, I've never really been the type who loved sitting down to read a textbook. This particular text has been a great read for me. It can be dense at times, but if you are really wanting to get into the industry, you WILL learn what you need to know through this book and might accidentally enjoy it!

Have used this book through out all the editions. This is the best of its kind. The author has wrapped each subject into a comprehensive chapter. Would be at a loss if this went out of print. For me it is No.1 Intro to Hospitality text.

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