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Resilience: Hard-Won Wisdom For Living A Better Life
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You cannot bounce back from hardship. You can only move through it. There is a path through pain to wisdom, through suffering to strength, and through fear to courage if we have the virtue of resilience.In 2012, Eric Greitens unexpectedly heard from a former SEAL comrade, a brother-in-arms he hadn't seen in a decade. Zach Walker had been one of the toughest of the tough. But ever since he returned home from war to his young family in a small logging town, he d been struggling. Without a sense of purpose, plagued by PTSD, and masking his pain with heavy drinking, he needed help. Zach and Eric started writing and talking nearly every day, as Eric set down his thoughts on what it takes to build resilience in our lives. Eric s letters drawing on both his own experience and wisdom from ancient and modern thinkers are now gathered and edited into this timeless guidebook. Resilience explains how we can build purpose, confront pain, practice compassion, develop a vocation, find a mentor, create happiness, and much more. Eric s lessons are deep yet practical, and his advice leads to clear solutions. We all face pain, difficulty, and doubt. But we also have the tools to take control of our lives. Resilience is an inspiring meditation for the warrior in each of us.

Audio CD: 9 pages

Publisher: Macmillan Audio; Unabridged edition (March 10, 2015)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1427260141

ISBN-13: 978-1427260147

Product Dimensions: 5.1 x 1 x 6 inches

Shipping Weight: 9.6 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.7 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (444 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #551,406 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #634 in Books > Books on CD > Health, Mind & Body > Personal Growth #639 in Books > Books on CD > Health, Mind & Body > Self Help #6441 in Books > Self-Help > Motivational

Eric Greitens certainly understands what it means to face challenges. In Resilience, he shares details of the frontlines that he has faced as a man, a humanitarian, a Navy SEAL, and as a leader. Yet, the true gift in this book is the humility with which it is written. We all have frontlines, he explains. Eric expertly navigates each of us through our own frontlines, whether it is found in a difficult job, a strained relationship, a search for meaning in life, or the frontlines of war.My own frontline was in the mountains of Afghanistan just a few short months ago. During the challenging deployment, I faced continual threats. These experiences began to take a very heavy toll on me. After many months of facing these challenges and with no end in sight, I allowed myself to lose hope that I would ever make it home. However, it was during this difficult time in my life that I called upon the lessons that I had previously pulled from another of Greitens’ books, The Heart and the Fist. In that book, he explained the great potential for our perspective to help us to overcome hardships. During those long, seemingly endless nights in Afghanistan, I kept those lessons very close to me to find a reservoir of strength within me that I had never knew existed.I’m proud to have now returned home safely from the deployment and finding this book at this time in my life is a true gift. Although my frontlines are now different, I continue to face new challenges. There are other returning veterans just like me, facing similar challenges in their reintegration to civilian life. Zach Walker is one of those veterans. In Greitens’ letters to Walker throughout this book, I have found the book's true value.

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