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Meditations And Music For Sound Healing: A Leading Oncologist Explores The Healing Power Of Sound (Sound Medicine)
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"Research shows that listening to the right kind of music can help you sleep better, enhance your immune system, reduce pain and even help to lower your heart rate and blood pressure. As an oncologist and internist who has made music an integral part of my practice, I use this power of music to assist in the healing of my patients every day."--Dr. Mitchell Gaynor. CD1 MEDITATIONS FOR SOUND HEALING. The Healing Power of Music and Meditation. Studies demonstrate that guided imagery meditation and music can boost the immune system, decrease stress, and lower heart rate and blood pressure. These four powerful guided meditations, combined with singing bowls, keyboards, flute, percussion, soprano sax, and Vedic chanting, are the same meditations that have benefited thousands of Dr. Gaynor's patients over the last 15 years. CD 2 MUSIC FOR SOUND HEALING. Medical Science Meets Ancient Tradition. Uplifting melodies performed on keyboards, harmonium and thumb piano are blended with world percussion, Sanskrit chants and the healing sounds of Tibetan metal and crystal singing bowls. Listening and even chanting along with this inspiring recording will help you to create both inner and outer harmony as you tap into your own natural source of health, vitality and well-being. Mitchell Gaynor, M.D., is a board-certified oncologist, internist and hematologist. He is the author of four books, including The Healing Power of Sound. Dr. Gaynor is founder and president of Gaynor Integrative Oncology in New York City and is assistant clinical professor of medicine at Weill-Cornell Medical College. He has been featured in The New York Times, Newsweek, CNN, PBS, Fox News Channel, and the Discovery Channel.

Series: Sound Medicine

Audio CD: 2 pages

Publisher: Sounds True, Incorporated; Unabridged edition (October 1, 2006)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1559617284

ISBN-13: 978-1559617284

Product Dimensions: 6 x 0.9 x 5.2 inches

Shipping Weight: 6.4 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 3.7 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (15 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #433,028 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #36 in Books > Books on CD > Literature & Fiction > Drama #57 in Books > Books on CD > Health, Mind & Body > Fitness #103 in Books > Books on CD > Music

When I started writing reviews, I deceided not to write reviews about books I didn't like. However for audios I use a more stringent approach, because once you walk out the door of the shop, you own the audio!The contents (tracts) of the two CD's looked very interesting. But I found the meditations on CD1 to be too pedestrian. A larger disappointment occured for me with CD2. On this CD too many insturments were mixed in with chanting giving a "busy" feeeling to the pieces.I do not critisize D. Gaynor personally. I found many interesting facts in his presentations and I like his concept of "entrainment". I believe he is sincere in his presentation. But the presentations lacked effect for me.If yopu going to pay $20 for material in this area, I would recommend Pema Chodron (meditation), Ken Cohen (meditation and chi), Dr. Emmett Miller (mediation and medicine), Donald Campbell (meditation and music), Alan Watts (sound meditation), Jill Purce (overtone chanting)...etc.I give this a three star rating, meaning "flawed but useful"

I used Dr. Mitchell Gaynors methods of sound healing in my recovey from stage 4 head and neck cancer. I used a Tibetan brass "singing " bowl by placing it on my clavical as I leaned back in a contour chair and rang it with a cloth covered stick. The vibrations, ringing through my bones and head were my pain reliever, meditation vehicle and path to recovery. I also follow Dr. Gaynors nutrition and phytonutrient recommendations found in his book "Cancer Prevention Through Nutrition". I am healthy again after 4 years since diagnosis and plan on a long proserous life. I'll be 67 in May. I highly recommend his books and wisdom as a top oncologist and specialist in integrated medicine. T A Law

It was truly magical how refreshed, alive, and invigorated I felt after listening to this meditation CD.Dr. Gaynor is an expert in tapping into one's body and soul to promote health and healing. Since I have also read most of Dr. Gaynor's books I can honestly say he has made the connection between the mind and body for harmony in one's health. This may very well be his best work yet!

the material on this is great, but.... THE SPEAKER IS SHOUTING. His tone is NOT relaxing. I wish I could demand a refund.

I thought the Meditation CD was good, though some of the meditations were quite short. I would probably choose different goals for the guided meditations than were on the CD (Radiating Harmony, Creating HOpe, Infinite Light, Inner Peace), but they were OK. The Music CD - well it all depends on why you bought it whether you might like it. I thought it would be good to use during a Reiki session - not so! It's too upbeat to be used in a relaxing Reiki or massage session. It might be pretty good for Tai Chi or something like that. The music is nice, just not what I was looking for.

You will not find a more clear, succinct, and fulfilling guided meditation than found on this CD - Mitchell Gaynor, M.D. and the 'audio sound' artists who composed this CD, have created a meditation masterpiece!

Dr Gaynor is the real deal. It is amazing that an MD is embracing the healing power of music.

This CD is available on [...] for $9.58, so ignore the outrageous price listed here! I bought several from .com, because it's my all-time fave site for just about everything - but this price quoted is ridiculous!!

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