Series: 10 Minutes a Day
Audio CD: 132 pages
Publisher: Bilingual Books; Com/Pap edition (August 1, 2005)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1931873879
ISBN-13: 978-1931873871
Product Dimensions: 8.9 x 1.2 x 11.5 inches
Shipping Weight: 1.3 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review: 4.0 out of 5 stars See all reviews (20 customer reviews)
Best Sellers Rank: #884,389 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #49 in Books > Books on CD > Languages > Language Instruction > French #292 in Books > Books on CD > Reference #952 in Books > Books on CD > Nonfiction
Age Range: 10 and up
Grade Level: 5 and up
Although I believe the sequence of the training is good, I would have liked the CD to strictly follow the book. The tape also uses several French speakers and they all pronounce the words very differently, which to a beginner like me, is very confusing. The intent was good as they wanted folks to hear people with French accents from all over the world; however, to someone hearing and learning the language for the first time, I personally found this to be frustrating. For my level of expertise (none), I needed consistency in pronunciation and pronunciation I could understand so I could repeat. Folks who already are familiar with the language, may find this CD useful.
It's been 30 years since I took French but French in 10 minutes a day CDs brought so much of it back to memory. I use the commute time in my car to brush up on my French to be sure I can get by next summer in Europe! Great resource for novices too, my kids are learning French and having fun...
This is a very good product if you are looking for a refresher on basic phrases, pronouns, nouns and verbs. The focus is for travel. You are not going to learn extensive French from this course. But I think it is fairly priced for what it offers. I can't speak for others but if I never had any lessons in French (I studied French in High School years ago) I would not recommend this for learning French unless you have a knack for languages or have studied other languages. Unlike English you need to understand the concept of feminine and masculine and the placement of verbs.If you have never had French lessons then I would definitely recommend you listen to the CD where you can also use the book until you feel comfortable. You should also realize that when the French speak to you it will likely be much faster than the tempo on these learning CDs along with a strong accent.As a refresher I found this was presented in a very understandable fashion. I especially found the verbs and examples a good refresher for frequently used language. They introduce words and phrases and continue to reinforce them. The CDs help with pronunciation.The glossary only lists the French with the English word and I think it should also be in English so you can find the French word.The explanation of what this course offers is a bit vague but if anyone thinks they will be talking French after using this then this is not the product for you. I don't know if more expensive courses like Rosetta Stone etc. accomplish that or not. It probably depends on your learning style. If you want to really learn conversation you will have to be in an environment where you can practice and be corrected. But if you want some basics, especially as a refresher with CDs you can listen to in the car or elsewhere this is probably as good as you will find. As with any lessons the more you put into it the more you will get out of it. Bonne Chance!
This series (I also have the Spanish in 10 minutes a day) is wonderful. I have studied French in the past, and had a good grasp of the language. However, I rarely have an opportunity to use it. When my son began learning French at school, I bought this for us both to listen to on our long car rides to and from school. It has helped him get a grasp of the language, and allowed me to recall and recite what I already knew. I like that it begins with the most commonly used verbs. This is essential for someone travelling to a French-speaking country who wants to be able to have simple exchanges in French. Make no mistake; this program does not replace a serious study of the language for those who intend to become fluent in French. However, it is a great jump-start to learning French, and will make one quickly feel proficient as a tourist or a beginning student.
I ordered "French In 10 Minutes A Day" and the CDs as recommended for a "French For Travelers" course I signed up for through our Community Education. The instructor is using the book as the course manual and it's working out great. It's easy to read and understand and the CDs are great for listening to when I'm in the car or doing chores around the house. The book provides the correct pronunciation of the French words which really helps because there are so many silent letters in the spelling. The information in the book and CDs will come in very handy when we travel to France next year. I recommend this book along with the CDs (not the CD Rom) to anyone who wants a general knowledge of the French language and phrases to help them communicate while traveling to French speaking countries. I also ordered "French At A Glance", which was also recommended for the class. The instructor uses it occasionally to cover words and phrases that are not in the "French In 10 Minutes A Day" book. It's also small enough to slip into a pocket, purse or bag to take traveling with you.
The tapes are a great compliment to the textbook. It is really helpful to hear the words spoken because French, with all of its contractions, is not a language that is easy to read and pronounce. And the little bits of sound effects and humor injected by the instructors make learning the language less dry.
One of the "authentic" speakers obviously is an American-born child. An occasional clumsy phrase here or there would be OK, but this child is given way too much of the cd's time....why wasn't a native French person used, instead? Child of the author and can be used as tax expense write-off?Although I like the 10 Minutes a Day system (I have Spanish and have ordered Italian), I feel really cheated.
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