Series: Comprehensive (Book 1)
Audio CD
Publisher: Pimsleur; 2nd edition (March 1, 2002)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0743518365
ISBN-13: 978-0743518369
Product Dimensions: 12.5 x 1.5 x 11 inches
Shipping Weight: 2.3 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review: 4.4 out of 5 stars See all reviews (88 customer reviews)
Best Sellers Rank: #427,743 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #15 in Books > Books on CD > Languages > Language Instruction > German #178 in Books > Textbooks > Humanities > Foreign Languages > German #445 in Books > Books on CD > Nonfiction
Before you buy a Pimsleur package, understand what you're getting. There are a LOT of language-learning tools out there, but none are quite like Pimsleur. If you're trying to learn the maximum amount of a language for the smallest amount of money, your money would probably be better spent elsewhere. Instead, Pimsleur caters to those who have a very rough time getting anything to "stick" through other methods. You pay a considerable amount more, but you WILL learn, and that may catapult you in your studies with other methods.You will NOT be fluent after finishing Pimsleur German I. However, you will definitely have ultimate command of what you do learn. It will literally be a part of you the way English is. You will not be able to discuss politics or music, but you will be able to get directions, go to a restaurant, talk about what you've done, what you're doing, and what you want to do. If you do the lessons as suggested, you'll be able to do these things without having to translate in your head. In fact, if your experience is anything like mine, you might say what you want to say in German and then have to think about what you just said in English. It is both fascinating and exhilarating. This is the essence of what separates Pimsleur from buying a six dollar phrasebook with all of the same phrases.If you want to know if spending this amount of money for this package is really for you, go buy one of the cheaper "teaser" Pimsleur German courses that only provide a few lessons. Better yet, see if your local library has it. If you like it, come back and buy this one.Whether or not you stay with Pimsleur, use this as an adjunct to other materials.
The following comments come from a rank beginner. I have had no prior study of German at school or otherwise.Ignore the many complaints of price of this course. When you hear the quality of the recording, the professional speakers on this CD (4 different speakers, three native Germans and one American narrator), and realize the research that went into its design, you would expect it to cost much more. It is difficult to compare, but I would guess this course to be equivalent to about one semester of college German. The difference is in the focus. It is about getting as much useful language as quickly as possible, and the focus on travel vocabulary: How far to Berlin? How much does a beer cost (it's German, you have to have a beer!)? How do you get to Goethe Street, etc.But where the course really shines, is how they've hidden the complex grammar of German in simple questions and answers. You learn the way a child learns his first language, by "feeling" what sounds right in a sentence. Each lesson is a strong challenge. Not hard enough to make you quit, and not easy enough to get boring, but keeps you reaching and concentrating. I believe many studies have found this delicate balance to be the most effective in language learning. I did most lessons two or more times with good results. They suggest moving on when you get about 80% of the lesson.The course is read by native speakers, a man and a woman. Each has a slightly different accent. At first I found this disconcerting, which one is right? But just like in English, different people speak differently. So you kind of find an average and just keep trying to copy both of them. Keep a bottle of water next to your CD player, German works your throat!
I don't know about you, but I don't want to learn a language so I can read a newspaper or understand a radio broadcast. I want to communicate with real live people in their own language.How many people take language courses all through high school and even college only to find when it comes time to actually USE the language, they've "learned" it without the ability to SPEAK it?This doesn't happen with the Pimsleur method. It forces you to respond, continuously moving forward, teaching you new things while reinforcing concepts learned earlier. The Pimsleur program is far superior to other audio methods in that it's not just repeating incredibly dull phrases over and over again. You interact with the dialogue. You have to THINK and it reinforces things learned earlier at just the right time intervals. A concept is reinforced more often right after learning, but these reminders become less and less frequent as time goes on and you learn new things. But then what you've learned previously becomes part of new concepts and vocabulary that keep getting put before you, reinforcing those concepts even more.The Key is that you RETAIN the concepts and vocabulary and hence the ability to use the language. You learn correct pronunciation, as the program uses native speakers. You won't be tongue-tied, since you're asked questions in the program and you have to THINK about the answer. You THINK because the question might reference something from three or four tapes ago. You use proper grammar despite yourself because you're not thinking about grammar, you're learning the language the same way you learned as a baby - you're USING it.Is there a down side? Of course.
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