Audio CD
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Humanities/Social Sciences/Languages; 2 edition (February 19, 2002)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0072504382
ISBN-13: 978-0072504385
Product Dimensions: 4 x 0.9 x 6 inches
Shipping Weight: 5.6 ounces
Average Customer Review: 3.9 out of 5 stars See all reviews (10 customer reviews)
Best Sellers Rank: #655,688 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #56 in Books > Books on CD > Languages > Language Instruction > Spanish #702 in Books > Books on CD > Nonfiction #1099 in Books > Textbooks > Humanities > Foreign Languages > Spanish
This is a review of the Audio CD program (lessons 1-26) that accompanies Destinos Workbook / Study Guide Vol. 1. There are 7 Audio CDs.In order to use this Audio CD program, you will need to purchase the Workbook / Study Guide Vol. 1. Be sure to reference ISBN number 0072497114 to make sure that you purchase the correct Workbook / Study Guide.The Audio CDs and the Workbook / Study Guide are very effective in the learning process. It does, however, take discipline to keep focus and not get frustrated.In addition to the Audio CDs and the Workbook / Study Guide Vol. 1 (ISBN 0072497114), I also use Destinos Student Edition w/ Listening Comprehension Audio CD (ISBN 0072525363) for independent learning. Of course, I also use the 52-episode Destinos soap opera videos / dvds.
There are two reviews on this page that are lifted from another page. Note the caveat on each of them:"This review is from: Student CD-ROM Program Part 1 fuw Destinos (CD-ROM)" which is a different product and different ISBN #.The two reviews are:-- WARNING! 's links here are wrong!, February 26, 2007By Destinos User (Berkeley, CA) and-- This is not the CDs that go with the workbook!, March 6, 2007By Rex MC "Tony" (Santa Cruz, CA USA)The information contained in each of these reviews is not correct for this page. The correct information that you need is the ISBN # for each of the products.The "Destinos Workbook/Study Guide 1 to accompany Destinos 2nd Edition to the Alternate Edition, 2002, Lecciones 1-26" is ISBN #0-07-249711-4 (I'm taking that off the back of the book itself as I write).The "Student Audio CD Program to accompany Destinos 2nd Edition to the ALternate Edition, 2002 Part A Leccion 1-Leccion 26 (7 Audio CDs)" (the audio CDs to accompany the workbook) is ISBN # 0-07-250438-2. (Again, I'm taking that off the back of the package.)I have used both of these products together and these #s are correct. These products both go along with the "Destinos Second Edition to the Alternate Edition", 2002, textbook (ISBN # 0-07-249708-4) and the "Listening Comprehension CD program to accompany Destinos Second Edition to the Alternate Edition - For Use with the Destinos Textbook", 2002, (ISBN # 0-07-252536-3).If you're on this page, you already probably have opinions on the value of these products. I agree.
The people who put these materials together know what it takes to learn a language, which is lots of exposure to the written and spoken word. The combination of the workbook and CDs and the video give plenty of time to become familiar with Spanish. Seeing the words in print, hearing them spoken and writing them in the workbook work well. And they give you plenty to do. The soap opera idea is good also. The workbook is essential. It goes over many items of the language not covered in the course textbook.My only criticism, which is minor, is that the material could be better indexed or arranged to be able to go back and review specific things that you forget as you work through the course.Overall a very good set of materials.
Excellent method. This series and all the materials are really unsurpassed. I watched the series right thru a couple times as it was quite entertaining and all of the materials (Book, both workbooks and accompanying workbooks) were without a doubt effective. I am not sure what else could be expected of an educational resource. Note: I put the same review for all of the resources in the Destinos series deliberately. It brought me to the peak of my Spanish knowledge.
I bought this to go with my school books (the Destinos series) My college did not inform us that we would need the CD's to go along with the workbook, but they are really very necessary! almost every part of the workbook tells you to listen to a passage on the CD's and then fill in the blanks.Regarding the CD's themselves, they work great, no scratches or anything, and the packaging is genius for storing that many CD's.Highly recommend for someone who is trying to learn Spanish as a second language!
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