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All-Audio French CD (LL(R) All-Audio Courses)
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6 Compact discs(6 Hours) plus Listener's GuideSpeak French fluently with the most complete, up-to-date all-audio course available - now on compact disc!Learn AnywhereIf you have trouble finding time to fit in language lessons,All-Audio French is the perfect solution. Developed by the experts at Living Language®, this program is designed for people on the move. You can learn French as you drive, do household chores, or work out at the gym. Short, Easy-to-Follow Lessons No Reading RequiredAn English-speaking narrator guides you through the short, easy-to-follow lessons - all you have to do is listen and repeat after the native French speakers. There's no reading required, although a listener's guide is provided if you want to look up spelling or grammar rules. Each lesson begins with vocabulary and some grammar basics before introducing a lively dialogue that includes the most current French idioms and usage. Interactive exercises reinforce what you've learned. You'll also find out some intriguing facts about French customs and culture. All-Audio French is a complete and thoroughly enjoyable learning experience!

Series: LL(R) All-Audio Courses

Audio CD

Publisher: Living Language; Compact Di edition (March 16, 1999)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0609603957

ISBN-13: 978-0609603956

Product Dimensions: 7.2 x 6.2 x 1.4 inches

Shipping Weight: 12 ounces

Average Customer Review: 3.0 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (5 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #615,648 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #33 in Books > Books on CD > Languages > Language Instruction > French #460 in Books > Travel > Reference > Phrasebooks #537 in Books > Textbooks > Humanities > Foreign Languages > French

This is a 6 CD set which says "learn in your car", "no reading required". I have a good ear and a friend from france staying with me. Yet, I am having difficulty because words and phrases are said only once and at normal speaking speed. A phrase such as "Enchante de faire votre connaissance" (pleased to meet you) is never broken down by syllable. This is extremely difficult to follow while driving a car. This set feels as though it was designed to go with a book while sitting at a desk not at the wheel of a car. At the same time, it seems like it would be excellent for a review, someone who already knows all the words and how to pronounce.They do provide a small book. The words are in alphabetical order by lesson. But the words on the cd are not introduced to you in alphabetical order. That means, while driving, you are not going to find the word they are saying before they go on to the next word.This set really needs to be reworked for a beginner or it should be advertised as a review for someone already knowledgeable.

I found this cd set to be an excellent review. I had studied French for years and just needed a thorough refresher course before a trip to Paris. I would recommend it to anybody who has studied a romance language in the past. I particularly like it because I can listen to it in the car and don't need to refer to a book. The phrase book is very sparse so I would not recommend it to anybody who has not previously studied a romance language.

I have to admit, this is a GREAT collection for someone who has either had French in the past (and merely needs a review), or if you need to learn to speak French quickly without reading/writing it. The lack of a corresponding book forces you to rely solely on what you hear (you have no idea what the words actually are); you only know what they sound like, not look like. Because of that,it's easy to get lost and frustrated, unless you're willing to "go with it" and guess what you're supposed to be saying. If you've never spoken French before or wish to have a more complete understanding of the language, I suggest purchasing a dictionary, grammer book, and verb book to go with this lesson--or perhaps just skipping this one and buying another.

Although the content of this program is excellent, I found it frustrating because the phrases are only stated once and there are not enough pauses to allow interaction from the listener. For this reason I prefer the Learn in your car French series that states each phrase in English and then twice in French allowing time in between for the listener to practice and interact with the tape.

Just occasionally listening to the CDs. Words and expressions are seeming more and more familiar.Au revior.

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