Audio CD
Publisher: Swallow Pubns; 3 CD Set edition (April 2000)
Language: French
ISBN-10: 0961424567
ISBN-13: 978-0961424565
Product Dimensions: 1 x 5.5 x 4.8 inches
Shipping Weight: 5.6 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review: 4.3 out of 5 stars See all reviews (40 customer reviews)
Best Sellers Rank: #218,658 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #11 in Books > Books on CD > Languages > Language Instruction > French #350 in Books > Books on CD > General #56828 in Books > Reference
Probably the most important feature of this book is its existence - without the work of people like Rev. Daigle Cajun French might die out entirely. That said I'm not sure that I entirely agree with all of the good father's opinions, starting with his decision to call the language Cajun rather than Cajun French. I've known my share of Cajuns that failed French at LSU but I suspect that's because they were taking it in an attempt to get out having to study a foreign language and consequently didn't put much effort into their studies. Many, if not most, of the differences in grammar and pronunciation with standard French that Father Daigle points out are common features of spoken colloquial French in France today, particularly among rural people in the parts of France where Cajuns originate. The biggest difference between the languages is in vocabulary and as Father Daigle points out, this is a natural outgrowth of over two centuries of life in Louisiana separated from standard French and being surrounded by an English speaking country. The fact that Cajuns speak of "les pickup-trucks" and such is not sufficient to constitute a separate language. Placed in a room together, a Cajun and a Frenchman will quickly figure out how to communicate and where they have difficulties it will most likely be because of differences in American and French culture rather than the language. My father can relate a story of a French engineer from the utility company in Paris arriving in New Orleans for a conference. She was able to converse quite freely in French with the Cajun engineer who picked her up at the airport although they used English to conduct business, as the Cajun engineer did not know the "correct" French electrical engineering terminology.
My first impression of this book was about its size. It is big, REALLY BIG. I mean in physical size. You are not going to be able to throw this book into your backpack and carry it with you as you travel. There will be no pulling it out to read on the train or in bed before going to sleep (unless you want to use it as pillow). Currently it is the biggest book I own. Keep in mind that I don't think the size is a bad think, just an inconvenient thing.This book assumes that the reader is somewhat already familiar with Cajun French. The author goes a long way in trying to get the point accross to the reader that there is nothing wrong with Cajun French. This is likely a response to the U.S. government's policy of trying to prevent the use of French in Louisiana that continues to this day. It is also likely a response to many of the French speakers who attempt to constantly correct Louisiana French speakers in grammar and speach. Rev. Daigle takes the possition that there is nothing wrong with the way Louisiana French is used in Louisiana if communication is taking place. If French people from France don't think it is correct "French" then it must instead be a New Language. The book looks to Louisiana French speakers to be the buyers and promotes itself as the text book they should have learned from in school if it weren't for unjust laws that prevent the teaching of French.If you don't already know French or do not have access to a primer or grammar text this book would be tough for you. Getting a teacher would help a LOT. The book focusses on the building of vocabulary and idiom usage and doesn't give basic material for complete beginners.
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