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The Mark: The Beast Rules The World (Left Behind, Book 8)
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The Experience in Sound and Drama series audio products from Left Behind have captured the minds and ears of fiction fans worldwide. Aired on hundreds of radio stations nationwide as well as on the Worldwide Web, this package of 12 new episodes will make a total of 96 episodes in the series. Based on The Mark, which released in November 2000 and sold over 2 million copies in hardcover.

Series: Left Behind (Book 8)

Audio CD

Publisher: Tyndale House Publishers, Inc.; Abridged edition (August 1, 2002)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0842343423

ISBN-13: 978-0842343428

Product Dimensions: 6.4 x 6.4 x 0.9 inches

Shipping Weight: 6.9 ounces

Average Customer Review: 4.6 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (13 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #1,218,366 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #17 in Books > Books on CD > Authors, A-Z > ( L ) > Lahaye, Tim #18 in Books > Books on CD > Authors, A-Z > ( J ) > Jenkins, Jerry #180 in Books > Books on CD > Literature & Fiction > Religious

The eighth book of the Left Behind series is adapted very well to the Dramatic Audio format, with excellent voice acting and convincing sound effects. It's too bad there isn't a movie version of this book.

Great story, good actors... a lot of fun!It is easy to get through the whole series in no time.

GREAT! Can't wait for the next one to come out. The sound & drama series is just like being there!

The Left behind series is a wonderful set of books, but just like any long running series they have their ups and downs. The Mark picks up the pace from a slower Indwelling. This book is full of action as the evil Karpathia initiates his plan for making people show their loyalty to him by recieving the mark of the beast. Members of the Tribulation Force who were working for the Anti-Christ now have to get out of New Babylon before they are to recieve the mark. This makes for some hair raising, nail biting times. If you like action and the previous books in this series you will love this book.

Once again, the guys at Gap digital have amazed me! This is the eighth season in the Left Behind dramatic audio series, and is it action packed or what? Nicolae Carpathia has come back from the dead, and he's possessed by Satan himself. He begins administering the mark of the beast to see who's with him and who's against him. The Trib Force must jerney to Grece to rescue believers captured by Global Community forces. Mean while, the Trib Force begins planning for its most dangerous mission yet. Thanks, Gap Digital, for another award winner. Can't wait for season nine, Desecration.

This whole series is outstanding! It will keep you wanting more. It's good clean entertainment that keeps you thinking about the return of the Lord!

This set of CD's performed flawlessly and was a good presentation, The case did have some damage to it during the shipment but none to the CD's.

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