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Welcome To The Big Leagues: Nine Innings Of Essential Tips For The Corporate Rookie
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Welcome to the Big Leagues was written to provide new business professionals with meaningful tips on how to cover all of the bases for an all-star career and a fulfilling life. Packed with valuable insights from those who have mastered the game, you will find many entertaining and pertinent parallels to America's favorite pastime, baseball. It is easy to see how most of the winning strategies, disciplines, and methodologies utilized within baseball, the business world, and our daily lives are all so similar. Whether fresh out of school, still a student, or currently a player, picture yourself as that young rookie who just inked a new contract with a major league team. What's more, you have Hall of Famers here to coach you as you step up to the plate!

Hardcover: 272 pages

Publisher: Next Century Publishing; Limited Hardcover First Edition edition (April 8, 2014)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1629030406

ISBN-13: 978-1629030401

Product Dimensions: 6.2 x 0.9 x 9.2 inches

Shipping Weight: 14.4 ounces

Average Customer Review: 5.0 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (26 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #2,437,906 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #70 in Books > Business & Money > Business Culture > Health & Stress #1570 in Books > Business & Money > Processes & Infrastructure > Organizational Learning

Quite frankly, I was purchasing this book for my son who is graduating from college in June. I started to read it and decided to keep it for myself and order another for him. He can wait.Carmine has written a book of great value for new college graduates, especially given our stagnant economy. It is not the basic self-help book, but a book of depth, wit and his personal experiences in the corporate world. More than that, the book is an easy read, so necessary when we have become a people of instant messaging and even shorter attention span.Carmine is also clearly a baseball fan. The book is chockfull of baseball quotes from current and past players. If there is one gripe I have, is that Barry Bonds and Arod are included, but in defense of the author, he mentions that the Arod quote came before his recent suspension for another performance enhancing test. If you have a child, niece, nephew, relative or even if you are a seasoned pro, you will find this book well worth it!

I had the privilege of meeting Mr. Del Sordi at an airport while we both waited to board our flight to San Francisco. He was flying back home to his family, and I had an interview scheduled in the Bay Area the next day.Mr. Del Sordi took an interest in striking up a conversation with me as he was fascinated to see a young person reading a book instead of being glued onto a smartphone. He spoke to me about the importance of core values and offered sound advice going into the interview. He then reached into his suitcase to give me a copy of his book.I still remember the jolt of happiness and empowerment that followed our encounter.Mr. Del Sordi didn’t ask for anything in return for his time, kindness, and wisdom. He is just a great man doing great things. Likewise, there is no doubt that the book is a great read. He understands his target audience very well, and I sincerely recommend this book to all my fellow corporate rookies.

Certainly lots of information here I wish I'd read before taking my first step into the corporate world. In today's frenetically paced and hectic corporate environments being able to understand how to evaluate and improve on both our individual performance as well as team dynamics can make the difference between the very survival of ourselves and the organization. I think this book provides an effective analogy that an athlete's dedication and mental toughness are essential to their rise into the majors and that these are the same traits that benefit those trying to succeed and navigate the pitfalls of the corporate world and that, with enough perseverance and the chemistry of a solid team, great things can happen in both arenas.

"Welcome to the Big Leagues" offers sound & practical advice to those just starting out in their career & also to those of us still trying to navigate our way. Carmine provides fresh insights and a pragmatic approach that is based on embracing one's core values. The baseball quotes & analogies are great and amusing how relevant they are to the corporate world. I highly recommend this book to all readers no matter what stage of their career they're currently in.

I just completed this book yesterday and couldn't put it down! It's packed with very valuable lessons and insights that go far beyond the business world. The author is witty and charming, and not afraid to touch sensitive matters. There is something to be learned for every person who wants to excel and make the most out of life. I'm back on now to buy additional copies as gifts. After reading, I'm sure you will do the same.

This book is a must read for anyone trying to crack the corporate code. As a Human Resources Executive, I know how hard it is for talented, young people to break through those first few years and primary levels of management. This book provides a relevant road map for how to succeed in the Big Leagues!

I loved the book and will be buying it for all my family and friends who are embarking on the corporate world. Full of insights to help anyone you know with navigating the "jungle out there". Do your loved ones a favor and get them this roadmap for their road to success.

Wow, is all I can say this book is a 5 star book. After purchasing this book on my kindle I could not put it down I loved how the book was set up since I love baseball also. I will definitely be telling some of my partners about this book. I found a lot of things in it useful.

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