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The Whitechapel Conspiracy
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When evidence presented in court by Thomas Pitt leads to the execution of a distinguished soldier and archaeologist, the retaliation from the hanged man's influential friends is swift. The murderer was a member of the Inner Circle, a group of men whose power extends further than Pitt realised was possible, and, within days, he loses command of the Bow Street police station. To protect him from the Inner Circle's hatred, he is forced to leave his family to work undercover in the dangerously volatile East End. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

Audio CD

Publisher: BBC Audiobooks; Unabridged edition (March 1, 2003)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0754055973

ISBN-13: 978-0754055976

Product Dimensions: 6.2 x 7.1 x 1.5 inches

Shipping Weight: 15.2 ounces

Average Customer Review: 4.3 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (61 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #3,698,723 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #32 in Books > Books on CD > Authors, A-Z > ( P ) > Perry, Anne #7193 in Books > Books on CD > Mystery & Thrillers #7716 in Books > Books on CD > General

Anne Perry fans, rejoice! Reading this book was like running into an old friend and discovering the friendship still vibrant and alive. After some of Perry's recent, less-than-stellar efforts, this book showcases her mastery of the intricate plot, compelling characters, and flawless historical description (London 1892).This book finds Superintendent Thomas Pitt paying the price for his discovery of a murder (and subsequent identification of the murderer, despite the lack of a motive) that was meant to look like an accident. Having foiled the malevolent Inner Circle (a secret society of powerful men who protect one another and scheme to control the country) once too often, Pitt finds himself demoted to working undercover in the slums of East End, separated from his family and embroiled in danger and revolution.His wife, Charlotte, and their maid, Gracie, in an effort to restore Pitt's reputation, set out to discover the motive for murder, the one aspect of the case Pitt was unable to unearth. They enlist the help of Sergeant Tellman, loyal to Pitt and even more so to Gracie, to help them discover the truth. In the meantime, Pitt finds himself deeper and deeper in political intrigue, with no one to trust with what he discovers.As the title suggests, the murders of Jack the Ripper come to play a role in the plot, as do the excesses of the monarchy, the recklessness of tabloid journalism, the virtues and evils of the status quo, and the price one is willing to pay for political gains. At its heart, this book asks, do the ends ever justify the means? It is to Perry's credit that she does not attempt a pat answer to this provocative question.The increasing involvement of Gracie and Tellman in the Pitt series adds a welcome vibrancy to the otherwise stark tale.

I sometimes have the tendency to overlook shortcomings in authours I admire very much. And until I read "The Whitechapel Conspiracy", I didn't realise how much I've missed reading Anne Perry at her best. And in this latest Thomas & Charlotte Pitt mystery novel, Anne Perry is in top form! This novel with all it's dangerous conspiracies, and it's seemingly motiveless murder made for some very compelling reading indeed.The novel opens with the trial of John Adinett: he has been accussed of murdering his friend Martin Fetters. Pitt was the investigating officer in this case, and while he found evidence of Adinett's guilt, and of Adinett's hasty attempts of trying to pass of Fetter's murder as an accident, Pitt was unable to discover a motive for the murder. Pitts acquits himself well in the witness box in spite of the Adinett's lawyer's attempt to paint Pitt as a vindictive and envious man. Adinett is found guilty; but Pitt is vilified in the newspapers, and Adinett's powerful friends who seem to be member of the Inner Circle (a secretive group that Pitt has locked horns with before) cause Pitt to relieved of his post at Bow Street and seconded to the East End as an undercover agent for the Special Branch.While devasted at the turn of events, Charlotte Pitt and the Pitt's maid Gracie refuse to take things lying down. To this end they decide to try and discover a motive for Fetters's murder. Charlotte decides to enlist Fetter's widow to this end, while Gracie recruits Sergeant Tellman. So while Charlotte and Mrs. Fetters go through Fetters's private papers and effects, Gracie and Tellman roam the streets of London, never dreaming that their quest to vindicate Pitt would lead them to Whitechapel and into the very middle of one of England's most notorious of cases.

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