File Size: 4590 KB
Print Length: 86 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publisher: Zayts Life Inc. (June 24, 2016)
Publication Date: June 24, 2016
Sold by: Digital Services LLC
Language: English
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
X-Ray: Not Enabled
Word Wise: Enabled
Lending: Not Enabled
Enhanced Typesetting: Not Enabled
Best Sellers Rank: #141,088 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #18 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Business & Money > Management & Leadership > Knowledge Capital #36 in Books > Business & Money > Human Resources > Knowledge Capital #175 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Education & Teaching > Higher & Continuing Education
As an aspiring business owner, I read the Entrepreneur's Guide to Cannabis and came away much smarter as a result. Not only did I gain key insights into the world of Cannabis, I also gained key insights into the world of entrepreneurship and what it takes to be successful on a psychological and interpersonal level.The world of cannabis is fascinating and unprecedented. It is poised for major changes that will have sweeping impacts on the economy at large. After reading this book, I am better prepared and better able to understand these realities - which will only open windows of opportunity that may have never been opened had I not taken the time to read this book.My key takeaways from this book:1. Anyone can be an entrepreneur, but success is dependent on action, mindset, and habits.2. Find a cause you are passionate about it and serve the cause as a top priority.3. If money isn't a top priority, you may ironically make even more of it - people can sense your true intents and passions and will support and buy into your ideas more as a result.4. There is still tons of misinformation and miseducation regarding cannabis, leading to very real and very real deep stigmas that must be corrected for sustainable change. Educate yourself as much as possible, so that you can be a change agent.5. Be wary of who to trust and who to keep in your corner. This is especially applicable in an industry such as cannabis, with so much money up for grabs.6. Many of the lessons taught in this book can be applied to business and life in general - there is a wide range of people who could benefit from reading this book, even if they don't have an interest in starting a cannabis business.7. Everyone needs to better understand the stigmas and misinformation when it comes to cannabis, as it has such a powerful opportunity to make significant and positive social changes.
Entrepreneurship is the fuel behind many of the greatest technological and socioeconomic leaps in history. The cannabis industry, although still in its infancy, is on the precipice of just such a leap, with the potential to transform medicine, agriculture and, yes, even entertainment. The success of this movement will depend on entrepreneurs who are willing to take action and stand up for what they believe in (and not just to make a profit).With this guide in their back pocket, the next generation of cannabis leaders is well equipped to help finally bring this industry into the mainstream. Stuffed to the brim with useful tips and interesting anecdotes from activists as well as businessmen, "The Entrepreneur's Guide to Cannabis" is an important stepping stone forward for this nascent industry. Whether you're thinking about starting a business or just contributing to the cause, this book can help give you the tools and, more importantly, the mentality necessary to positively impact the cannabis movement.
I've been to quite a few events for High NY so when I saw that Mike had released a book I couldn't help but purchase it. He's very likely one of the mot important people in the cannabis industry in NY. Most people might not see it because he's very behind the scenes, but because he works with everyone on putting these events together he knows everyone. That means that the knowledge he was able to compile for this book really was the absolute best that it could be for when it is being released. Definitely make sure to pick up a copy of this, and treat it like the bible if you're trying to get into the cannabis industry!!
This book puts the Cannabis industry in the Right perspective. Interviews from the best in the industry, help you realize the time is now for Cannabis entrepreneurship. Whether or not you are considering to jump into legal Cannabis this is a great read to learn about the industry and all the benefits it has.Excited to see the future of the Cannabis industry, this book is a clear indicator that the industry is moving in the right direction.
This book is both highly readable and readable high! It provides sound advice that any entrepreneur could benefit from. Having spent a few years in the Cannabis industry, I can confidently say this book is dank.I don't know how Michael did it, but he got some of the biggest names in the cannabis space to share some of their secrets and advice. Usually people in this industry keep to themselves and do not like the publicity. Remember, even though the plant is safer than peanuts, it is still federally illegal. I hope to make it out to one of his HighNY meetups on my next trip to NYC.
An excellent overview of the cannabis industry's current situation, where it could be going and how it got here. Zaytsev highlights the opportunities in this emerging industry and shares the wisdom of many successful cannabis entrepreneurs - as well as his own - in a concise yet entertaining style. The inclusion of his own personal path from corporate American worker to cannabis entrepreneur adds a dimension of relatability to the collection of assorted anecdotes from his encounters with the aforementioned cannabis industry folk. By setting up the book in chapters focusing on different concerns people may have about entering this market space, his direct prose combined with breakdowns of targets to hit and problems to solve gives a good insight for those who need a little nudge to find their niche in cannabis. A highly readable book, with valuable insights from those who are already successes in cannabis, from a man hoping to inspire others to enter this exciting industry.
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