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The Connection Algorithm: Take Risks, Defy The Status Quo, And Live Your Passions
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A #1 Bestseller in EntrepreneurshipA #1 Bestseller in ManagementA #1 Bestseller in Personal SuccessA #1 Bestseller in Knowledge Capital"Young Jesse Tevelow is on to something. His new book, The Connection Algorithm, is chock full of phenomenal strategies for a better life. If you're ambitious and motivated, The Connection Algorithm could be your roadmap to success."--Tony Horton, Creator of P90X (Over $500 million in sales.)Ever wish you could be a little more extraordinary? A little happier? A little more in control of your life? Well, this is your blueprint for making it happen.It might sound crazy, but it all starts with quitting your 9-5. Jesse should know. He quit his job to join TechStars, a startup accelerator that helped him and his business partner build a multimillion dollar company from the ground up. Then he wrote this book, while lounging at the beach.Sound impossible? It's not. This isn't just Jesse's story. It's the story of every successful person you've ever known--and all of them have followed the same formula. After nearly a decade of interviews and research, Jesse has compiled the ultimate playbook for defying the status quo, weaving together the most critical yet overlooked tips from industry heavy-hitters like Ben Horowitz, Tim Ferriss, and Steve Jobs. The book provides important (and counterintuitive) advice on how to:Get more productive Follow your passions Improve your health Launch your first product or company Take better calculated risks Start connecting with your heroes ...and much more. Beyond advice, you'll also find lists of the actual sites, services, and techniques you can use to improve your performance in a range of disciplines.Join Jesse as he outlines the power of the Four C's: Choose, Commit, Create, Connect. The Connection Algorithm is a quick read, with life-altering impact. With endorsements from Tony Horton and Brad Feld, and a foreword by TechStars Founder and CEO David Cohen, you'll be glad you added this inspiring, actionable guide to your collection.---Don't have a Kindle? No problem. Just enter your email where it says "Get the Free Kindle App," (just beneath the book image), and you'll have access to The Connection Algorithm from any tablet, smartphone, or computer.

File Size: 3370 KB

Print Length: 258 pages

Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

Publication Date: May 12, 2015

Sold by:  Digital Services LLC

Language: English


Text-to-Speech: Enabled

X-Ray: Enabled

Word Wise: Enabled

Lending: Not Enabled

Enhanced Typesetting: Not Enabled

Best Sellers Rank: #42,594 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #3 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Business & Money > Management & Leadership > Knowledge Capital #5 in Books > Business & Money > Human Resources > Knowledge Capital #109 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Business & Money > Management & Leadership > Management

To what does the title refer? According to Jesse Warren Tevelow, the connection algorithm is a mindset, one that almost anyone can develop that will "enable you to live the life you want to live, and to be in control. The goal is to eliminate the things that make you unhappy...[and will] naturally lead you to forge relationships with highly connected people. It will also open your eyes to a new lifestyle, freeing you from the shackles of a desk job."Tevelow is convinced that success depends upon four HUGE "ifs":o If a person decides to achieve personal growth and professional development,o If they are totally committed to doing that,o If they offer something to create substantial value (e.g. changing people's lives for the better), ando If they build a network of Connectors (i.e. those who can be most helpful to achieving the given objectives).Note: I presume to add a fifth "C": courage. The other four won't happen without it.Whenever young people asked Rod Steiger (a great actor on stage and screen) for career advice, he always looked them in the eye and asked, "Do you want to be an actor or do you HAVE TO BE an actor." As he explained, "The longer it took them to answer that question, the less likely it was that they would succeed." That is what Tevelow means by commitment. It is important to keep in mind that, while building a network of influential allies, you will become a Connector who can help others to develop their own connection algorithm.

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