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The Food Babe Way: Break Free From The Hidden Toxins In Your Food And Lose Weight, Look Years Younger, And Get Healthy In Just 21 Days!
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A #1 National Bestseller. Cut hidden food toxins, lose weight, and get healthy in just 21 days.Did you know that your fast food fries contain a chemical used in Silly Putty? Or that a juicy peach sprayed heavily with pesticides could be triggering your body to store fat? When we go to the supermarket, we trust that all our groceries are safe to eat. But much of what we're putting into our bodies is either tainted with chemicals or processed in a way that makes us gain weight, feel sick, and age before our time.Luckily, Vani Hari - aka the Food Babe - has got your back. A food activist who has courageously put the heat on big food companies to disclose ingredients and remove toxic additives from their products, Hari has made it her life's mission to educate the world about how to live a clean, organic, healthy lifestyle in an overprocessed, contaminated-food world, and how to look and feel fabulous while doing it. In THE FOOD BABE WAY, Hari invites you to follow an easy and accessible plan to rid your body of toxins, lose weight without counting calories, and restore your natural glow in just 21 days. Including anecdotes of her own transformation along with easy-to-follow shopping lists, meal plans, and mouthwatering recipes, THE FOOD BABE WAY will empower you to change your food, change your body, and change the world.

Audio CD

Publisher: Little, Brown & Company; Unabridged edition (February 17, 2015)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1478955317

ISBN-13: 978-1478955313

Product Dimensions: 5.2 x 0.8 x 5.8 inches

Shipping Weight: 7.2 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.3 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (2,637 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #576,111 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #29 in Books > Books on CD > Cooking, Food & Wine #292 in Books > Books on CD > Health, Mind & Body > General #356 in Books > Health, Fitness & Dieting > Diets & Weight Loss > Food Counters

I'm giving this book 4 stars ("I like it") because overall it has good intentions, and it makes concrete proposals for how to take action. I can't give it 5 stars ("I love it") because the book does not adequately document all of the claims it makes.Unlike an extremely large number of reviewers (both 5 star and 1 star), I actually read this book from cover to cover. (If the review only talks about how great/awful Ms. Hari is; or only discusses topics from her blog, it is not a book review. It is a comment on somthing else. THIS is a book review.) I received an advanced copy for review, and receive Ms. Hari's emails. I was not asked to "write a 5 star review" as some of the (1 star) reviews claim. Instead, each email from Ms. Hari has asked me to write an HONEST review, and I did--there is quite a lengthy review on my blog, including constructive criticism on what needs improvement. This book does three specific things that I find valuable. First, it encourages readers to think about what they eat, read labels, and make deliberate choices. Second, it provides an example (granted it is the author) of one person who changed her eating habits and benefited from it. (To be fair, there are brief comments from some others who followed her recommendations and felt better.) Third, the most important part, this book outlines very specific steps the reader can take to improve food habits.Ms. Hari does MUCH more than merely say "chemicals are bad!" as some reviewers claim. (She also does not advise readers to stay away from conventional medical treatment--which I read in a 1 star review by someone who clearly hasn't read the book.) She points to 15 specific food additives that she advises against eating.

I appreciate what she's doing, taking on a giant food industry and bringing awareness. I love reading about health and such, and follow Vani on social media. I'll be honest though, I wasn't as pleased with this book as I thought I would be. I'll just list pros and cons...Pros:1}She is a voice for transparency in the food industry. I admire and applaud that.2}There is probably a lot of good info for those who are brand new on this health journey.3}She does a good job of explaining why some food choices are better, healthier, etc.Cons:1} She doesn't cite her sources well. This is irritating to me as someone who likes to go do further research.2} I think some her ideas are flawed. For instance, she only eats meat about 1 x a week and talks about vegetarianism being healthier. She also contradicts herself , i.e. saying fats can actually be good for you, but then stating in several places that ..."if you had too much fat and too may calories on that { vacation, restaurant, whatever..." I would have expected someone like her to be beyond these basic lies of the FDA. Fat is good, meat is healthy correctly sourced, calories don't need to be considered when eating a healthy , nourishing diet. etc. She should know this. Better books about this stuff would be Nourishing Traditions, anything by Joel Salatin and blogs like: Shaye Elliot's at the Elliot Homestead, Nourishing Gourmet, Wellness Mama, Gnowfglins, Food Matters, Weston Price, and Danielle Walker are all more on par with what I would consider a well rounded, healthier view of nutrition. 3} Vani is a wealthy, working woman. In her planned recipe days, she almost always has a meal at a restaurant. I go to a restaurant maybe 5 x a year, have 4 kids & hubby to cook for and a single income household. Her ideas seem either paltry, ridiculous, or not even correct nutrition wise. Examples: One of her lunch ideas : 1 cup of raw spinach with carrots, celery and cucumbers in lemon juice and salt and 1/4 cup of goat cheese. That's it. She suggests that if you eat lunch at a pizza place, ask for no cheese but lots of raw veggies on the pizza. Um...okay. I don't know, her 'menu' leaves a lot to be desired, taste and health wise. Meals with absolutely no protein, random eating out suggestions that include hardly enough food for a toddler. IF I were new in the 'healthy eating' world these suggestions would terrify me.I hate to be a dissenter, because I firmly stand behind what Vani is trying to accomplish. I think she is doing an amazing work. I just wish she herself would research true nutrition a little more have a more solid grounding."}">Read more ›

First things first - I pre-ordered this book with my own money when I was a subscriber to the Food Babe's blog. I had only been a reader for a short time but generally liked what I read. Second things second - I have now unsubscribed from her blog and am returning this book.This review is not about whether or not her claims are backed by science or just scare tactics. I am writing about the "Lose Weight, Look Years Younger and Feel Great in 21 Days" content of the book.I am in recovery from an eating disorder. To be honest, that's why I'll buy almost anything that claims that I'll lose weight quickly. I should have known it was my disorder that made Food Babe so appealing.I started reading her book and as soon as I saw "Day 1 - Cleanse Daily with my Lemon Water Ritual" I started to become wary of the book. Anything that has the words "cleanse" and "ritual" scream disordered eating to me. NB1: Disordered eating is not the same as an eating disorder. Disordered eating is behavior like restricting food groups or being overly rigid about meal times.I kept reading. The number of times the words "detox," "cleansing," "eliminating," "limit" and others like it appear in this book are frightening for someone with eating problems. In my opinion, the biggest offenders are "Day 9 - Detox from Added Sugar" and "Day 12 - Break Some Bread - and Other Carbs." They could easily be combined into one chapter: "Set Yourself Up for a Binge."When I saw the "good carbs" vs. "bad carbs" concept rear its ugly head, I knew this book wasn't for me.

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