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Manipurated: How Business Owners Can Fight Fraudulent Online Ratings And Reviews
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Manipurated is a manifesto for business owners struggling against an online ratings and reviews industry that is holding their businesses hostage through manipulative practices. Manipurated uniquely combines an exposé of the shifty inner workings of this industry with a step-by-step playbook to empower the 30 million American business owners desperately trying to fight back. In today's hyperconnected world, business owners are confronted with the challenge of managing their online reputation right out of the gate. The first weekend for a new deli, salon, café, or boutique store can be make-or-break with online reviews. Few business owners understand that amazing businesses can be permanently damaged with a few bad reviews. Managing a reputation online requires skills and tactics that are not always intuitive to business owners, and is made more difficult by the presence of fraudulent and fake reviews. Manipurated gives business owners an insider's view of how the multibillion-dollar ratings and reviews machine systematically stacks the cards against them ― and more important, empowers business owners to fight back with a six-step playbook to defend, control, and enhance their business's online reputation. Both a warning and a call to action, Manipurated is a must-read for all business owners who depend on online reviews.

Paperback: 151 pages

Publisher: Quill Driver Books (December 1, 2015)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1610352629

ISBN-13: 978-1610352628

Product Dimensions: 6 x 0.3 x 9 inches

Shipping Weight: 12.6 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.9 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (17 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #809,262 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #54 in Books > Business & Money > Small Business & Entrepreneurship > Franchises #571 in Books > Business & Money > Small Business & Entrepreneurship > Marketing #2128 in Books > Business & Money > Processes & Infrastructure > E-Commerce

Inspired by the Botto campaign featured in this book, I'm tempted to say this is an awful, misguided and poorly constructed work of little value. But it's precisely the opposite. Mr. Lemin has long been an authoritative voice in the modern digital era and I learn something new from him at every interaction. Here he breaks down the often too complex world of search, ratings and reviews in a way that is accessible and practical. Everyone from independent massage therapists to marketing executives should put this on their must read list. Exceptional customer service has long been the one golden rule for a healthy bottom line and Manipurated offers essential tips that will help today's business owners achieving that standard. Further, Daniel's offering will make you dig a little deeper as you scroll through ratings looking for your next meal, trip, car or dental cleaning. I look forward to reading the evolution Daniel's thinking as we enter the mobile era. - Chris Chamberlin, Managing Director, Citizen Relations

Length: 1:31 Mins

Hi I’m Douglas Burdett, host of The Marketing Book Podcast and I’d like to tell you about the book “Manipurated: How Business Owners Can Fight Fraudulent Online Ratings and Reviews” by Daniel Lemin.Before the rise of online ratings and reviews (what Daniel Lemin refers to as “the good old days”), customer feedback – good and bad – was a mostly a one-on-one affair.Customers communicated complaints or praise to you directly, giving you the chance to respond appropriately. But with the rise of online ratings and reviews, businesses now face a platform that allows virtually anyone to say anything about your business to everyone on the Internet, regardless of truth or fairness.A bad online review can permanently damage a new business, and few business owners know how to manage their online reputations.“Manipurated” offers a plan to small business owners who are at the mercy of Yelp and other online review sites. It combines an analysis of how online review sites have been manipulated against business owners with a step-by-step plan for taking control of your online reputation.The book shows you how to track your online reputation, how to respond to reviews and how to recruit customers to write reviews and lots more.If online reviews are what your customers are using to decide if they want to do business with you, you’ll want to read this book.And, to listen to an interview with Daniel Lemin about “Manipurated,” visit

Manipurated transforms the online consumer feedback system from a business distraction into a strategic tool for consumer engagement and business growth. Section one delivers comprehensive background for the online ratings and review landscape and helped me understand consumer feedback ground rules so I had a clear picture of the challenges AND opportunities in this important space. The tools and tactics section specifically defines how best to engage and manage consumer feedback. Each section opens with shortcuts to drive you immediately to information that is most relevant to your business and each chapter’s “what you’ll learn” sidebar offers at-a-glance content covered.

If you own any type of business that must navigate through the online rating & reviews world this is a must have playbook to pick up. After you dive in and find all the sensible, and really easy, tips to follow to improve your online reputation and how to interact with unhappy customers (as well as thank the happy ones) everyone encounters ~ this book will be a mainstay at your side on your desk. Just add it to your basket right now!

Daniel Lemin offers readers an excellent overview of ratings and review sites, and a practical list of best practices that will benefit all kinds of businesses. Clients of our public relations agency frequently complain about unfair reviews and the daunting challenge of tracking all that is said about them online. After reading the Kindle version of Lemin's book, I ordered more print copies to share with clients.

The ratings and review sites can be really helpful at times when you’re looking to a new restaurant or service to choose. And if you are the business owner, well, it may at times feel like cyberbullying (it actually can be!) and downright hurtful at times if one received a negative review. Lemin’s Manipurated is an insightful guide on the ratings and review world that is detailed, easy to follow, and a great reference to have at your side if you want to stay on top of your online presence with third-party review sites. Mainpurated outlines the necessity of this service to businesses (and why all owners should pay attention to these) as well as deconstructs how the major sites function, for better or for worse. This book is concise yet thorough – it packs what it needs to say in impactful scenarios and relevant case studies, and is simple to navigate if you are a first time biz owner to the ratings and review world. If you’re already familiar with online reviews, you may find good nuggets of info in here to refine your knowledge of this environment, and how to handle positive (yes, take care of your fans!) and negative situations appropriately and effectively. Lemin’s “Manipurated’s Code of Conduct” hits home – the do’s and don’t’s of reacting to negative reviews – a MUST for everyone. As a small business owner who is launching a business soon, I am keeping this on my desk at all times. I’ve already marked this book up with notes and color-coded tabs…

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