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The Judas Goat: How To Deal With False Friendships, Betrayals, And The Temptation Not To Forgive
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When people you trust betray you Betrayal by enemies is expected, but when it comes from family and friends, it can be devastating. Perry Stone uses the intriguing example of a Judas goat to show you how to deal with the betrayal in a biblical way and find the strength to forgive.   A Judas goat is an actual goat that is raised with the sheep in the field; eating with them, sleeping with them, and generally gaining their trust. When the time comes to lead the sheep into the slaughterhouse, the sheep will follow the Judas goat into specially marked pens, the back of trucks, and in some instances into the slaughterhouse itself. The Judas Goat makes a strong correlation between this goat and the people in your lives who are operating with ulterior motives, helping you understand:   ·          The betraying strategy of potential Judas goats in your life ·          The three levels of relationships and whom you should let into your inner circle of trust ·          How to address false rumors and lies from those close to you ·          The critical danger of unforgiveness, and more!  

Audio CD

Publisher: Charisma House; Unabridged edition (October 1, 2013)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1621365816

ISBN-13: 978-1621365815

Product Dimensions: 6.1 x 5.2 x 0.6 inches

Shipping Weight: 2.4 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.7 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (78 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #812,545 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #83 in Books > Books on CD > Parenting & Families > Interpersonal Relations #626 in Books > Books on CD > Religion & Spirituality > Christianity #1336 in Books > Books on CD > Religion & Spirituality > General

I have to say God moves in mysterious and marvelous ways! I had been going through several weeks of spiritual attack when I posted a review and went to choose a new book. There on the page was this one - a new release, new to the book review list staring me in the face. It was as if God had placed in front of me just the thing I needed at just that moment. The spiritual attacks I was facing were being waged by the enemy through church members, some of whom were my "friends". Though I this was not a new experience in the ministry it was none the less devastating to me personally.Perry Stone has written an excellent book about dealing with betrayals and false friendships. I loved his illustrations of goats and sheep and the way he unfolded the scripture. I had never thought about the verses in scripture about goats and sheep quite the way he presented them. Mainly because I am honestly ignorant about the character and tendencies of both animals. I was utterly amazed. My copy of this book is dog-eared and marked up. I have loaned it to others in the ministry and will most certainly need to buy additional copies. I think that those new in the ministry need a copy in hand. I would have avoided a lot of personal hurt feelings and been able to walk more in peace with the goats in the church had I had this information 12 years ago!My only complaint - and it is a VERY minor one is that it seemed at times that Perry Stone was defending himself. I realize that he has been under scrutiny and attack over the past year but I do not feel that he needed to defend his stance. Although I am a member of a very traditional and conservative Baptist denomination my husband and I have always enjoyed Perry Stone's teaching and books. These parts in the book are minimal but are there.Anyone in ministry will benefit from this book.Thanks to Booketeria for this review copy.

Perry writes this book from a point of view that is very compelling. He uses scriptures to pack up all points and references made. If you have ever been hurt, betrayed or thrown under the bus by a fellow Christan, co-worker, Minister, family member... you have to read this book!!!! You will find a different way to look at things after this read and you will find the hurt will fade away.

I thoroughly enjoyed this one. This book informs you of the charactertistics of a goat and which are that they are mood, nosy and they but heads with everyone. The judas goat is a betrayer who enters the flock as sheep however, their heart is that of a goat. Goat in the old testament was considered an animal of deception as Jacob used goats hair to deceive his father and later he was deceived by goat's blood.A scape goat was supposed to take your sins away from you but when a believer refuses to forgive others it is like living with a scape goat and as long as the goat is alive the sins are retained. What really stood out was that unforgiveness removes the hedge of protection. When believers form negative opinions of other believers they become their judge instead of their brother. The judge then becomes the accuser of the brethren. This helped me while I was faced with thoughts that caused me to become judgmental.There are alot of other wonderful things I could share however space would not allow it. Just check it out, you wouldn't be disappointed.

I like Perry Stone, I think he has sound teaching and good insights. But this book strayed. It starts out on topic, with great examples, but then switches gears, and it strays into points and subject matter that aren't relevant to the title, which I think would have been better subject matter for a whole other book. Don't get me wrong, it is good info, but not in keeping with what I thought this book was about. He has seen a lot being a pastor and in ministry, the content got off on that tangent, and the outcome of experiences that he believes should have been dealt with differently within the Body. I think a better title would have been his seasons of life as a sheep/shepherd in the Body.

Well, this was the first CD set I ordered with Perry Stone.While I love his teaching online, I was supremely disappointed to discover he did not narrate his own book.(And no, I'm not being a Judas Goat lol!) The reader was clear and easy to understand, it just wasn't the author whom I expected is all.The content itself was deep - dealing with disgruntled Christians in the flock.There were many good points with lots of things to "dwell deeply" on.However, the topic was a bit darker than what I expected and not a pleasant subject about fellow Christians that gossip, backstab, or lead others astray. This is for the serious Believer - many of whom (myself included) need to hear some of these things!And while I still love Perry Stone - I just will try to stick to things he has read himself on audio!

This book is a very insightful read. It teaches you some very good practical principles that will help you to understand how to structure your relationships and how to deal with forgiveness and strife. A very good read.

When you have been betrayed, make sure you handle it God's way. You don't want to weaken the hedge of protection around you and your family. This book would be especially important for anyone in ministry. Don't wait until you need it. Have your tools ready so you have a pre-planned way to handle offense God's way.

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