File Size: 1032 KB
Print Length: 37 pages
Publisher: G.P. Putnam's Sons Books for Young Readers (March 22, 2016)
Publication Date: March 22, 2016
Sold by: Digital Services LLC
Language: English
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
X-Ray: Not Enabled
Word Wise: Enabled
Lending: Not Enabled
Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled
Best Sellers Rank: #92,289 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #11 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Teen & Young Adult > Historical Fiction > Ancient Civilizations #14 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Children's eBooks > Literature & Fiction > Historical Fiction > Ancient Civilizations #24 in Books > Teens > Historical Fiction > Ancient
Renee's writing takes me to a beautiful, magical place. I cannot get enough of this story. Very seldom do I really, truly care for secondary characters as much as the main ones, but that isn't the case with this story! Despina and Jalal are just as intriguing as Khalid and Shazi. If you loved the Wrath and the Dawn, you'll love this novella.
This is the Renée Ahdieh that I love! I was a bit disappointed with the first short story, The Crown and the Arrow, because it was basically a retelling of a scene from The Wrath and the Dawn. Plus, only 9 pages?! It was waaaay too short my for liking. This short story was different and while I'll always complain and say I want more, it was much more satisfying than the first.Before I begin...I love this couple! They are super adorable and their banter in this novella was perfect. Jalal the womanizer definitely met his match with Despina. She gave as good as she got. I found myself grinning like a goof while reading their conversations. This just made me love these characters even more!The story is basically about how Jalal and Despina met and fell in love. Their story is not fully explored in the The Wrath and the Dawn and Despina's condition left me with tons of questions. Bonus, we get to find out more about Ava, the deceased Calipha of Khorasan. She seemed really miserable and my heart just broke for her. I would actually really enjoy a story from her point of view. Her death brings about the curse and explains Khalid's actions.I cannot wait for The Rose and the Dagger. I'm really curious as to where things will go for Jalal and Despina. Right now it seems like fate doesn't want them to be together, but I'm hoping that better things are to come for this lovely couple.
Another Kindle short to accompany "Wrath and the Dawn" and "Rose and the Dagger!" While just as short as "Mirror and the Maze," this one nicely filled all the holes in Despina's story and provided insights that left this reviewer more fully satisfied with the conclusion to a great duo of books. I look forward to Renee Ahdieh's next full length work!!
Well one thing that come out of this was the confirmation that I really like Despina and Jalal. Those two are really something and they are just perfect together. I love them.Now, the real question is; how is this going to tie into book 2? Uggghhhhh the anticipation that's building is sure to drive me mad!
The Moth and the Flame gives a little bit more background about Despina and Jalal. It also includes the timeline before Shahrzad weds Khalid, prior to the death of a new bride at each dawn. Although Despina is not privy to what's going on behind the scenes, it is entertaining to read about how she met Jalal and the backstory to them from The Wrath and the Dawn.
Such a sweet short story of how Despina and Jalal fell in love. You get a bit more insight into the timeline before Shahrzad and the Khalid were married. Nice void filler while you wait for The Rose and the Dagger.
Novellas have become a staple in YA; a way to bridge the time between book publications & to provide background information that didn't fit into a full length book. For me, I've had a bitter-sweet relationship with them, but this one is one of the best.The focus of this novella is Despina. If I had known Despina was the main character earlier, I would've read this novella immediately after I read the Wrath & the Dawn! This book is short, but it shows the roots of her relationship with Jalal & a glimpse of why she is the way she is.The writing in this book is absolutely gorgeous, but not nearly as engaging as the Wrath & the Dawn; if only because it's only 40 pages & 40 pages is not enough to weave a beautiful story like the one found in the Wrath & the Dawn.I don't think a reader can truly understand the Wrath & the Dawn, let alone Despina, without reading this book! I highly recommend it!
A prequel that should be read after book one to avoid spoiling anything (though if you read it first, it would only provide small spoilers).This tells us part of Despina's story - how she fell in love with Jalal. It was sweet and gave us some insight into Despina's character - what she was thinking and feeling (and one or two short sections were in Jalal's POV too). I loved that it took place while Ava was in the castle, so we also got to see that from a slightly different perspective. Short stories are always so hard because, of course, I would have loved more, but I felt like this was long enough to give us a peek into Despina's head!
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