Paperback: 464 pages
Publisher: Thomas Nelson (October 24, 2012)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1595555455
ISBN-13: 978-1595555458
Product Dimensions: 6 x 1.2 x 9 inches
Shipping Weight: 1.1 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review: 4.5 out of 5 stars See all reviews (260 customer reviews)
Best Sellers Rank: #47,216 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #118 in Books > History > World > Civilization & Culture #177 in Books > History > World > Religious > Christianity #182 in Books > Christian Books & Bibles > Churches & Church Leadership > Church History
The broad-brush thesis of this book is this: without the Judeo-Christian worldview, there would be no Western civilisation as we know it. The Hebrew Old Testament and Greek New Testament have contributed more to the development of the West than any other single factor.In over 400 information-rich pages the Indian-born scholar documents how the Bible directly and profoundly contributed to the rise of the West. And not only has the West benefited immeasurably - so too has the rest of the world. Indeed, he argues that the "Bible was the force that created modern India" as well.Of course this thesis is not new. One thinks of the recent works by Rodney Stark, Jonathan Hill, or Alvin Schmidt. Also recall the two volumes by D. James Kennedy: What if Jesus Had Never Been Born? (1994) and What if the Bible Had Never Been Written? (1998).But here we have a masterful presentation of the data in a finely written and cogently argued volume. As Mangalwadi reminds us, the Bible first of all transforms individual human beings, who in turn transform entire nations. In every area of life we see this remarkable record of personal and social transformation.In whatever area we examine, we see the hand of Scripture all over it. Be it science, or health care, or literature, or learning, or liberty, the biblical worldview touched and transformed entire societies. Mangalwadi very capably discusses the big picture as well as the many individual cases.Consider the area of technology for example. A quote from Marburg historian Ernst Benz sets the stage: "Christian beliefs provided the rationale, and faith the motive energy for western technology." Says Mangalwadi, "Benz had studied and experienced Buddhism in Japan.
THE BOOK THAT MADE YOUR WORLD is an intellectual Tour De Force arguing and illustrating the influence of the Bible on Western Civilization and its positive role in creating much of the good that many in the west take for granted, from the freedoms of women to simple respect for life.He takes an interesting path to his thesis; starting with Kurt Cobain vs Bach and going on from there. His individual chapters take specific aspects of Western Culture from Humanity, Heroism, Science, Morality, Self and Technology and reflect how the biblical view not only shaped these and other aspects in a positive direction in the western world, but how the lack of the Bible and the biblical worldview caused other cultures to fall behind both in terms of technology and in what the west would consider respect for basic humanity.Those who read the volume will be surprised at how little the Bible itself is quoted, instead it tells of cultures, nations and individuals driven by its message and how that makes all the difference.Some of his arguments are stronger to advance, the points concerning corruption in office, the university system and technology are pretty easy gimmes. Most interesting is the semi random inclusion of individual stories from his own life and observations from India, including the violence he and his families and friends suffered due to his faith and actions.He is unwilling to sugar coat the difference between the liberal laws of India on the books, a gift provided and influenced by British Common Law shaped by the Bible vs the practice (or rather non-practice ) of those same laws by those officials of different cultural background non longer overseen by a colonial power. Yet he managed to convey this wile condemning colonialism as an evil.
I have questions about the thesis of Vishal Mangalwadi's The Book That Made Your World, but this book prompts me to first ask a few questions of myself.Am I able to approach this book without bias? As a Christian, it is of course very pleasing to hear positive statements about the influence of the Bible. I would expect God's holy word to have a great and lasting influence on individuals, as well as on communities and cultures. I believe, after all, that the God of the Bible is the creator of the universe. His word is true.However, I found within myself an oddly opposing bias, as well. As a westerner, I am regularly exposed to multi-culturalism, anti-western thought, and outright Christianity- bashing. The mere suggestion (among even Christians sometimes) that Christianity might be superior to other religions or philosophies is met with accusations of ignorance and ethnocentrism, along with accusations that I must think "America equals Christianity".I actually hadn't realized how much this exposure had affected my worldview until I was reading Mangawaldi's book. While my faith was making me hopeful, the influence of my unbelieving culture was making me very skeptical. As I read, I found my biases tugging against one another, leaving me unable to either accept or reject the thesis of the book.Am I learned enough to make a fair judgment? Some of the book's critics do claim to have some expertise in Buddhism, Hinduism, or Eastern culture. But I have to wonder if those same people are as well versed in what the Bible says. To do a little American-bashing myself, I find that many well-educated Americans are abysmally ignorant of the teachings of Judaism and Christianity. I am often left wondering if these people have actually ever read the Bible.
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