File Size: 5964 KB
Print Length: 464 pages
Publisher: Bethany House Publishers (October 27, 2015)
Publication Date: October 27, 2015
Sold by: Digital Services LLC
Language: English
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
X-Ray: Not Enabled
Word Wise: Enabled
Lending: Not Enabled
Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled
Best Sellers Rank: #33,356 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #15 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Literature & Fiction > Religious & Inspirational Fiction > Christian > Fantasy #26 in Books > Christian Books & Bibles > Literature & Fiction > Fantasy #38 in Books > Christian Books & Bibles > Literature & Fiction > Science Fiction
This book has a plot with multiple levels that give the world a depth that you don't always see in other book. I love the fast pace of the plot and that the little side plots do not distract from the story but make it richer than it would be other wise. These characters have depth and are well rounded.The Sock of Night is a book set in a land that has a dark past complete with courts and religious wars, but most of all a forest so dark that no one comes back out after they enter, or so it was thought. The Darkwater changes those few that do make it out they come back as ticking time bombs that know one knows about. The man down the street, who just snapped on day and killed his inter family then himself, the blacksmith that came back from a trip changed for the worse and you can't figure out why, they are the victims of The Darkwater and they always kill.The main character of this book Willey Dura is one such victim he was forced into the woods in a battle and was the only one to come back out alive, yet it has been 10 years and he has not snapped yet, probably. Dura is the equivalent of a Detective in his kingdom and is plagued with sleep walking after the war these people are called "night walkers". But he only walks when there had been a murder, some times waking up with blood on his clothes.Add in a bit of magic and a secret order that works to contain The Darkwater and eliminate those tainted by it and you have this book. The plot was rapped up nicely with out a cliffhanger but keeping it wide open for the next book, so you know were it will be going.Dura is a man this become embroiled in the struggle to contain The Darkwater and it nearly costs him his life.
Willet Dura has a secret locked away inside his mind. It's a secret that could kill him- or save his life.As the king's reeve, it is Willet's duty to investigate suspicious events in the city of Bunard. When a guard is murdered and the guard's charge is severely injured, Willet begins to seek answers. However, before he is able to discover anything, he is commanded to come before his king. To his shock, he is called off of the investigation- and not by order of the king. For the first time in history the four church orders in Bunard have banded together, and they order the king to have the investigation dropped.But Willet is no ordinary reeve. He has a history of being able to solve almost any murder, and he can't let this one go- not when he himself cannot remember where he was on the night the two men were attacked. And to complicate matters, he find himself suddenly in possession of a dangerous ability which could help him solve the crime- if it doesn't drive him mad, first.The Shock of Night is a well-written book. Multiple mysteries are woven through the story, and not all of them are solved. I found myself compelled to continue reading, and I was quite disappointed to reach the end of the book with so many threads left untied. I am eager to read the next installment in the series. If you want a complete story in one book, this is not it- you will need to read the full series to find out how things will conclude.I did find The Shock of Night to be quite a dark read, especially because there is no real closure at the end of the book- again, one would need to complete the series for this. There are some rather graphic scenes of violence and one torture scene.
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