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Battle Sky (The Battle Series, Book 4)
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The last days of the Tribulation are counting down to Armageddon, and only the strongest Christ followers have persevered. Mass executions have decimated their numbers. But a few Tribulation saints have survived with grit and guile and unshakable faith.The Mason family is among the hardy souls counting on Christ’s return to set things straight and to free them from the Antichrist’s tyranny. But their faith is sorely tested when one of them is captured and slated for execution. Meanwhile, another story unfolds in the spirit realm. An epic battle is taking place on the Mount of Olives. Millions of angels and demons are fighting to control the mountaintop. Andrew Maddix and Michael the archangel co-lead an angelic army in a bold offensive to rout the fearsome demon horde and prepare the mountain for Christ’s return. On the great and terrible day of the Lord, mortals and immortals alike will arrive at the same conclusion: the end is where we begin.

File Size: 762 KB

Print Length: 277 pages

Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

Publisher: Mark Romang (July 24, 2016)

Publication Date: July 24, 2016

Sold by:  Digital Services LLC

Language: English


Text-to-Speech: Enabled

X-Ray: Not Enabled

Word Wise: Enabled

Lending: Not Enabled

Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled

Best Sellers Rank: #19,563 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #7 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Literature & Fiction > Religious & Inspirational Fiction > Christian > Fantasy #12 in Books > Christian Books & Bibles > Literature & Fiction > Fantasy #19 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Literature & Fiction > Religious & Inspirational Fiction > Science Fiction & Fantasy

Battle Sky is book four of an amazing end of times series. This book takes place at the end of the Tribulation as foretold in the book of Revelation. The remaining people of Earth have been forced to choose; take the Mark of the Beast and bow down and worship his image, or be an outlaw, unable to buy or sell and live a life in hiding as soldiers seek to capture and kill you.This is an exciting story that ends with an epic Battle between Angels and Demons and the Earthly forces on their sides. This book is well written with deep characters that you will quickly become invested in. They characters have a lot of depth and their personalities come through despite their troubling way of life.I have loved this series from the start and I'm really sad that it is over, but it has been an amazing ride and I'm really glad that I read each of them. I can't recommend this series enough.Even though it is a work of fiction the author has masterfully woven in the Scripture in Revelation and brought it to life in story form. This series rivals the Left Behind books, it is an amazing journey.5 Stars, I will be rereading this series.

I'm a firm believer in the fact that God wins in the end, but seeing how that's done through Mark Romang' s eyes is quite something. Nothing says final better than the battle of good versus evil. This was a well paced quick read. I recommend this to all believers of God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit just so an image of what the end times could look like. A lot like the Left Behind series but with way fewer books but just as good.

Wooow! So amazing guys. We start this book, if I recall properly, during about mid-Tribulation. Seeing Revelation read as almost like your favorite fantasy fiction was priceless. It was good, clean, yet totally entertaining. It also stayed close to scripture as well, other than the fictional implants of course. What was most "interesting" was Romang's "approach/ interpretation" on just how Satan possesses the Antichrist. I won't spoil that, but it was a little debatable, but interesting--- every Christian has some speculations on how some future aspects unfold. All around great book. I recommend it highly. Don't sell yourself short, read the series in order. The first book's a little slower, but foundational, though.

Another winner! If I could give 10 stars I would. What an interesting, exciting, action packed, thrilling adventure. The story had me hooked from the first page. Where there was evil, it made my toes curl while chills flew up my spine. Biblical explanations were on point without being preachy. Sci first readers will enjoy as there is something for everyone. Thank you Mr. Mark, you have once again written a winner. Can't wait for you to present us with more!!! Get off the fence and buy this.'s well worth the time and money for an excellent read.'re

This book is not the action/adventure thriller the first three books were. Like most last days thrillers, the tale is fit around an astounding story of the Return of the King. It's going to be amazing and any attempt will have a lot of scripture and such.However, Mark has done an excellent job with a large dose of entertainment. You'll be happy you read this one.

with some elegant touches. I also appreciated the author's due diligence wrt research and although we can argue the validity of a pre-trib rapture (which I so happen to subscribe to) or whether saints will battle demons before or during the end times, I found this book to be a biblically-sound fictional story. Note: Although I had a few minor differences in my own interpretations of certain details at the very end, I would like to remind all readers that some prophecies were intended to be obscure but the important one's like Jesus Christ's birth and sacrifice were boldly proclaimed to the detail.

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