File Size: 1296 KB
Print Length: 288 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publisher: Little Dozen Press (January 10, 2014)
Publication Date: January 10, 2014
Sold by: Digital Services LLC
Language: English
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
X-Ray: Not Enabled
Word Wise: Enabled
Lending: Not Enabled
Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled
Best Sellers Rank: #38,037 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #15 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Children's eBooks > Literature & Fiction > Religious Fiction > Christian #21 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Literature & Fiction > Religious & Inspirational Fiction > Christian > Fantasy #37 in Books > Christian Books & Bibles > Literature & Fiction > Fantasy
Some belong to the "Oneness" and some don't want to become one of them. Conversely, the Hive is buzzing with evil and searching for new members.This is an intriguing read that has a wonderful cast of characters. Mary is one of the leaders of this Oneness Cell and is sought for advice. As expected, the past experiences of the members account for the manner in which they act and react.A complex story evolves when the Wizard makes an appearance (or two!). The descriptions of both good and evil people are incredible. In particular, when looking into the eyes of an evil woman one can see "something inhumane looking out".Found this a fascinating read and the inherent message that one is "never alone" resonates true with me. Pray, pray, pray. And, as the ending illustrates sometimes it is the "power of the unexpected" that will be the greatest surprise to others.Highly recommended.
I haven't read a book like this since Peretti's! I just finished reading "Hive", the second book in the "Oneness" series by Rachel Starr Thomson, and I just purchased and downloaded the third book called "Attack". I've already read the first chapter (it was included at the end of "Hive"). All I can say is "I'm hooked!" I can't tell you how many unfinished books I have in my Kindle App on my iPad. I am not an avid reader, unless I find something truly engaging. This series is that and more. I downloaded the first two books in the series off of Facebook ad that promised a Peretti's-like novel. I've read each of his three times over the years. These books have encouraged me to pray more, to be more aware of the unseen realm's influence and interaction through circumstances I find myself in. I believe every Christian would benefit from reading bothe Peretti's and Rachel Starr Thomson's books. There is a wealth of truth in their novels that will both encourage and inspire you to seek Jesus and get to know Him better. Thank you Rachel for your gifts to the "Oneness"!
The first two books of The Oneness Cycle (this book and Exile) are among the strangest fiction that I've ever read. I love them anyway. I enjoyed Hive a little bit more than Exile because I was already acquainted with the story world.The atmosphere of this story is a mix between fantasy and Peretti-esque spiritual warfare fiction. The Oneness is a partially allegorical representation of the Christian church. It is characterized by the interconnectedness of it's members and their roll in fighting unseen foes in order to protect and serve mankind. The Oneness holds the world together as demons and their human counterparts try to tear it apart.I loved the vulnerability of Thomson's characters in this book. After the shattering events occurring in Exile, members the local Oneness cells wrestle with weakness and doubt. The powers of darkness dive at the chinks in their armor. As the members of the Oneness cell are forced to go on the defensive, they are scattered. The demons seem determined to destroy them in almost unimaginable ways.Hazed by confusion and doubt, the Oneness is weakest when they need to be stronger than ever. They need to cling to their faith before they become tools in their own destruction.
This book was engaging from page one. A story of the warfare that goes on in the spirit world everyday and characters that are so real you feel as though you know them - because chances are one of them will be 'you' with a different name. You will become a part of the story as you read - and you will learn more of who God and his people should be as you read a story of pain, love, warfare,, defeat and victory! I highly recommend this book to those who have the eyes to see and ears to hear it's message!
Book two in the Oneness Cycle and I am loving them. The Oneness are those linked by the Spirit and they are at war with the local demons. Good writing, strong characters, and lots of action. I give it five stars. I received the first two as a gift and have now purchased books 3-5. I can recommend for ages 16 and up.
I like these books. The first one was a little hard to get "involved" in, once I got it I really liked it. I like to read series, trilogies, etc. where each book has a sub-ending. It doesn't really end, it continues in the next book, but you have a conclusion at the end, so they don't leave you hanging.If it takes awhile to get the next book, you're not just hanging there. I really like these kinds of books.
I feel compelled to write a review as there are only two currently, and the lack of reviews made me hesitate to purchase the book. But I'm glad I did. It was a well written continuation of the story which began in Exile.While the story is not overly complicated, I think its portrayal of the Christian themes is well done. The characters are consistent and growing in depth and dimension as the story continues. It is a quick read in the best way...enjoyable and uplifting without being sappy.
The second in this series was not a disappointment. Now I'm really wondering what will happen with the characters who have turned their back on the Oneness! This was an exciting, fast paced thriller that produced some very interesting dreams!
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