File Size: 4861 KB
Print Length: 524 pages
Publisher: Living Sword Publishing; 1 edition (May 20, 2014)
Publication Date: May 20, 2014
Sold by: Digital Services LLC
Language: English
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
X-Ray: Not Enabled
Word Wise: Enabled
Lending: Not Enabled
Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled
Best Sellers Rank: #33,379 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #16 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Literature & Fiction > Religious & Inspirational Fiction > Christian > Fantasy #27 in Books > Christian Books & Bibles > Literature & Fiction > Fantasy #32 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Literature & Fiction > Religious & Inspirational Fiction > Science Fiction & Fantasy
Oh my... where to even start? It brought me to tears, made my skin tingle in delight, had my mind racing, and made my heart sigh. Resistance tells the stories of a fascinating array of characters; the most prominent being Kyrin Altair and Jace. Kyrin, along with her twin brother Kaden, train in Tarvin Hall to serve the emperor. Jace is of a feared race, an outcast to society. Both of them have this in common: they serve King Elom; which is a dangerous thing to do in the darkening days of Ilyon. Believers of Elom labor to keep their faith a secret... but evil is at work. In the end, who will bow, and who will resist? The setting of Resistance is an unusual, captivating mix of Ancient Rome-like times, fantasy concepts, and a futuristic touch, with the Christian allegory ever present. The collection of different "fantasy" races was intriguing. From the ruthless, supposedly soulless ryriks, to the regal, peace-loving talcrins, I was delighted by this creativity! Can't wait to meet more of the races, such as the cretes and the giants (dorlanders)! This story was deep. Deep, emotionally-stirring, thought-provoking, and hitting very close to home. I often found myself thinking, "What would I do in that situation?" Because I have much in common with Kyrin and Jace. A faith that has faced persecution around the world and across the centuries, for one. And it's a faith worth fighting for! Resistance displayed that... with scenes that pierced my heart. No, I will not bow down to your gods; I serve King Elom, and Him alone! Yes, it was deep. It felt real. The love story, well... it's not exactly a love story... but, I believe it will be, later on! :) Anyway, the relationship was so sweet. It came about with real compassion, selflessness, and care.
Resistance sets itself apart from other stories because it is very relevant to all those who find their beliefs and convictions attacked. As humanity becomes less tolerant of those who are different, we find the need to cling to and stand for our beliefs. Resistance is a very real, exciting, and motivating story of a handful of people who did just that. Despite how easy it is to ignore the culture war around us, Resistance reminds us that if we fail to stand, we lose our freedoms. It applies to you and to me as well as being a thrilling story.Resistance has a thrilling and gripping storyline that flows excellently amongst the many plot twists and subplots woven throughout. The characters are well-developed. Although it is a fantasy story for young adults, it has a light clean feel that sets it apart from other stories of the same genre. There are no hideous creatures or characters that are purely evil, and there are no magical elements to the story. There are, however, a few scenes on the violent side—hence the reason that the book is written for young adults.Woven in with Jace’s and Kyrin’s stories are themes of loyalty, love, courage, faith, truth, trust, self-acceptance, purpose, and acceptance of others. Along the way, we meet individuals and a group of people who share loyalty to Elom and the readiness to resist the evil schemes and murders of the emperor. Along with her twin brother, Kaden, Kyrin finds herself confronting the very heart of the nation’s paganism—and then finds herself in dreadful danger.
Sweet Elom, where do I even start. I'm not a big fantasy reader (prefer historical) but am always on the hunt for a great hero book. This author happens to be a fan of my own work so when I saw this book on sale on Facebook for .99 I grabbed it. Well before I tossed it in my to be read pile on my ereader, I wanted to read "just a little." That was five days ago and I finished it just now. It's rare I stumble into a book this great without help from my reader and author friends recommending it first, but I absolutely did and am so glad. Now I get to go tell all of them "You must read this."The author grabbed me by the throat in the opening scenes by playing the wounded hero card which is my absolute reader drug of choice. As talented a writer as I am no review I write will do this book justice. I'm going to try anyway while staying spoiler free to preserve the reader experience of a very rich, multi-layered plot. There are so many sub plots but they never tangle and always tie back to the central conflict - good and evil in the forms of followers of Elom the true God and the 2 pagan gods. I loved that as I moved through the characters and got to know them in their separate stories at the beginning, the world building and characterization were so well woven I never felt lost or needed to refer to the maps or race listings (which honestly freak me out because I'm like... if I need cliff notes to the story world I'm already in trouble, LOL but I found I never needed to refer to them. The way the author drew me into the story world and pace at which story and world elements were introduced were so natural and well done I was never lost. Only intrigued.
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