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Bones Of Fire: A Spiritual Warfare Thriller Novel (The Fire Series Book 1)
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The Styles family is about to be sucked into a whirlwind.Reverend Edwin Styles is a good man, but he is totally unprepared for the spiritual warfare that is about to overwhelm him and his family. He doesn’t believe in demons or warlocks, and he only theoretically believes in angels. But his ignorance of spiritual warfare won’t shield him from being chosen by God for a mission so critical that the angel who commanded the forces at The Battle of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, the angel known as The Sword of the Lord, has been assigned to help him. And Edwin will need all the help this famed warrior angel has to offer. For the kingdom of darkness has assigned the Mighty Bashnar, one of its most ruthless demons and cunning military strategists, to thwart God’s plan and to destroy this man of God. He will soon learn from painful experience why this cruel warrior spirit was granted the title, Mighty. Barbara is a Christian. But she’s not passionate about the Lord or His work. What she is passionate about is her good-looking husband, Edwin. Everything is lovely until the Mighty Bashnar attacks her husband and revives a shameful weakness from his past that shuts down their love-life. But Barbara isn’t the longsuffering type. She’s going to get her needs met one way or the other.Sharon is the perfect Christian daughter. A teenager whose wisdom and devotion to God far surpasses her fifteen years. She’s the spiritual anchor of the family—until a relentless witchcraft spirit orchestrates a devastating betrayal and assault that shakes her faith to its core, perhaps beyond repair.And for all this, Hell’s fury is not satisfied. Only total destruction of the Styles’ family is acceptable.But is the Mighty Bashnar as strong as he thinks he is? Or will he discover that “God has chosen the weak things of the world to put to shame the things which are mighty”? (1 Corinthians 1:27)*****************************************************************************************************************Spiritual warfare thriller; Christian thriller; Christian suspense.I may be contacted at,,, or

File Size: 3055 KB

Print Length: 385 pages

Publisher: SunHill Publishers (May 2, 2011)

Publication Date: May 2, 2011

Sold by:  Digital Services LLC

Language: English


Text-to-Speech: Enabled

X-Ray: Not Enabled

Word Wise: Enabled

Lending: Not Enabled

Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled

Best Sellers Rank: #23,667 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #9 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Literature & Fiction > Religious & Inspirational Fiction > Christian > Fantasy #13 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Religion & Spirituality > Christian Books & Bibles > Christian Living > Spiritual Warfare #14 in Books > Christian Books & Bibles > Literature & Fiction > Fantasy

This is such a great book! I'm not sure what I was expecting, but Bones of Fire was so much more! It reminds me a great deal of the Frank Peritti novel This Present Darkness. I started reading it as a way to pass the day while doing laundry. I wasn't expecting more than a light read. I was pleasantly surprised. This book is not for those who choose to remain "politically correct" within the church. I especially like the description "country club with a steeple" because that is what a lot of American churches have become. This book has awakened a fire in me for God that I thought was long extinguished. Not only is it current, but it is also scripturally correct. You can take this as an entertaining work of fiction or you can glean some warfare lessons. How you read it and what you take away from it is totally up to you. Thank you, Mr. Hill for such an insightful work. I am looking forward to reading more from you, sir!

I have read several spiritual warfare books. This one uses scripture in a way to make me question some of my own thoughts and reasons for my actions. I am a Christian. I love the Lord Jesus. However I have been slack in my prayer life. I pray that God will use this novel to help others like myself awaken to our lackluster, lukewarm relationship with the Soverign God of the universe and want MORE of HIM! Amen.

This is one of the most compelling stories I have read in a long time. The spirit world fighting between evil and good really made me so much more aware of what isgoing on in this world. A great read!

This book catch's your imagination and attention, this to me is what is really going on in our daily live's, this book make's sense!!! Just read the bible, look around at the world today check out the new's. It's for REAL!!!

Admitedly, I am a slow reader when it comes to non-fiction. However, I read this book in one night! This book is really a primer on spiritual revival, spiritual warfare, and deliverance, but it is presenting in the context of a compelling narrative with characters that reflect the kind of people readers may (ahem) recognize from their own churches. Must read.

Great read. Left me wanting more. I thought one of the subplots was not adequately resolved but it did not detract from the overall satisfaction of finishing a good book. This book may challenge your doctrine. I don't recall having to look up any word definitions. If you can easily match the characters of this book with people in your church, you may be in trouble.

Too dark for my taste and a lot of detail of rapes and molestation. I didn't finish the book because it was just too dark and depressing. I will say that if you don't mind the graphicness of the book it is well written.

Where to begin? This book has it ALL. After the first chapter I was completely hooked. I read it on my phone and upon getting to the last page my finger refused to stop turning pages. There are well developed characters from every gamut of life and one sees a spectrum of Christians walking out their faith. There is a strong thread of christian doctrine and Scripture, however, it is not in-your-face, those who know the Word are nourished throughout the book with truth. It is an exhortation to the church at large and to Christians in particular to contend for the faith, to pray without ceasing, to assault the kingdom of darkness, to realize the unfathomable greatness of our God and to walk humbly before will challenge you to re-examine your walk and it may even spark revival in your soul... it is all these things wrapped up in a tasty shell of fiction writing. The writer also pulls back the veil between the natural and the spiritual world allowing us to see that we truly don't wrestle against flesh and blood --- but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.... Did I mention there are demons ?

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