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Holt Pre-Algebra: Student Edition 2004
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Holt Pre-Algebra: Student Edition 2004

Series: Holt Pre-Algebra

Hardcover: 864 pages

Publisher: HOLT, RINEHART AND WINSTON; 1 edition (January 1, 2004)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0030696097

ISBN-13: 978-0030696091

Product Dimensions: 8.8 x 1.3 x 11.2 inches

Shipping Weight: 4.4 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.4 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (9 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #62,131 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #39 in Books > Teens > Education & Reference > Mathematics > Algebra #162 in Books > Textbooks > Science & Mathematics > Mathematics > Algebra & Trigonometry #193 in Books > Science & Math > Mathematics > Pure Mathematics > Algebra

We got this to use as an extra copy so my son would not have to carry this heavy book to and from school. As a previous math teacher, I really appreciate the step by step examples. This book uses clear methods, easy to understand and follow. Great publisher.

I bought this used textbook for my son so that he would not need to carry a 20+lb backpack daily to school, and we would not have moments when textbook are left at school and homework needed to be done. Book arrived timely and in great condition (as described). Would highly recommend this vendor.

I ordered all of my daughter's school books through so that she would not break her back lugging them all home for all her subjects. It has been the BEST idea and I will do it every year they require hardbound books at school (I'm hoping someday all books will be available on the kindle and this point will be mute). It's great to have a copy at home!

A little too advanced, assumes a lot of knowledge. However, the review sections in the back of the book are WONDERFUL for that which is assumed.

This book is well written and easy to understand. It proved to be quite helpful with understanding and preparing for basic algebra.

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