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Holt Algebra 1: Problem Solving Workbook
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ISBN-10: 0030797594

Series: Holt Algebra 1

Paperback: 96 pages

Publisher: HOLT, RINEHART AND WINSTON; 1 edition (January 1, 2007)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 003079756X

ISBN-13: 978-0030797569

Product Dimensions: 8 x 0.2 x 10.6 inches

Shipping Weight: 6.4 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.0 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (11 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #264,049 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #43 in Books > Children's Books > Education & Reference > Math > Algebra #113 in Books > Science & Math > Mathematics > Pure Mathematics > Algebra > Intermediate #573 in Books > Reference > Words, Language & Grammar > Grammar

Grade Level: 8 - 12

I use this to challenge my daughter who is advanced in Math, but her school doesn't offer an honors course in Algebra. The workbook provides excellent word problems, which teach the kids a lot more than just learning the basic algebra. I highly recommend this to straight-A kids to take them to the next level of thinking and problem solving.

From other reviews, I was under the impression that this was a workbook that included practice problems & step by step solutions. Silly me! I don't know, maybe it was the title "Problem Solving Workbook" that led me to believe that. Whatever the case, it's pretty much just more Algebra problems. I purchased: Holt Algebra 1 Problem Solving Workbook, Holt Algebra 1: Texas Edition and Holt Algebra 1, Grade 9 Know-it Notebook & the Homework Notebook. I'm very disappointed with these purchases. It has nothing to do with or the distributor of the books. Those processes worked seamlessly! It's the overall way these books work together. Actually, I should say the overall way these books do not work together. Do you have a Math teacher that's willing to help your child? If they will take their time, simplify Algebra and make it fun to learn, like solving a mystery, then don't spend the money on these books. Use that money to buy the teacher or tutor a gift card! My son is an honor student & because he has an outstanding Algebra teacher, Math is his favorite subject! I gave this product two stars because it has other material available that should work with it. I did not give it five stars, because the books that should work with it...don't. Unfortunately, I am unable recommend this workbook.

The booklet had good questions, however, it does not contain an answer key to check the answers. I do not recommend it.

I give a good rating to this product because it arrived on time and very good protection, which made ​​the book arrived intact. My son is very happy with this book because it has served him well in college. I recommend buying this book because it is very helpful for students.

I try to keep my grandchildren going in the summer by tutoring them in their next years math class. This is a great book chock full of word problems which are the hardest portion of the algebra class.

Great product. Used it on numerous occassions right before a test or final exam and man what a difference it made.

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