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Algebra 1/2: An Incremental Development, Second Edition
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Saxon, Algrebra 1/2, An Incremental Development , Second Edition, Hardcover, 474 pages.

Hardcover: 488 pages

Publisher: SAXON PUBLISHERS; 1 edition (January 1, 1990)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 093979845X

ISBN-13: 978-0939798452

Product Dimensions: 10.6 x 8.4 x 1.1 inches

Shipping Weight: 3 pounds

Average Customer Review: 3.9 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (39 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #84,204 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #26 in Books > Children's Books > Education & Reference > Math > Algebra #51 in Books > Teens > Education & Reference > Mathematics > Algebra #231 in Books > Textbooks > Science & Mathematics > Mathematics > Algebra & Trigonometry

Age Range: 12 and up

Grade Level: 8 and up

BRIEF EVALUATIONI found Algebra 1/2 to cover with only small additions and enhancements the topics that Saxon's Math 8/7 covered already. While it should be very good for students who feel the need to consolidate the material studied during the previous year, my own children felt that there was little new here and they asked me to skip the Algebra Half and go to the full Algebra One, which is what we are about to do.We had a very good experience with this set but, thanks to my kids being such godd students, we've decided to skip it.Even though we had to abandon this course after the first half-dozen lessons convinced us that we didn't need it, I will grant the package 5 stars for Saxon's proven effectiveness but be aware that this should be skipped by the more advanced students.THE SAXON METHODWe've been using Saxon's books to teach our kids math starting with Math 3/2 and we've been very happy.Algebra 1/2 (it means ALGEBRA HALF not "Algebra One and Two" is comprised of 123 lessons, 31 tests and a number of Topics labeled from A to J. Unlike the previous Math courses, there are no 'Investigations' and the lessons no longer begin with drills and warmup activities. Also, unlike prior math cycles up to Math 8/7, tests are administered after every four lesson rather than after every five.Each lesson begins by explaining and illustrating a number of new topics - one, two or sometimes three. That is followed by a small number of practice exercises that are related to the new topics. Finally, there is a 30-item problem set (what the prior volumes were calling 'mixed practice') that asks students to answer/solve 30 questions that could be on EVERYTHING covered by Saxon up to that point.

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