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Battle Scream (The Battle Series Book 1)
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To whom much is given, much is expected. Discharged war hero Andrew Maddix learns this lesson firsthand. The ex-SEAL thought he’d put his civilian life in order when he agreed to become the pastor of a small church in Utah. But all hell breaks loose when he discovers demons living inside the church building. Worse, Maddix learns he’s been chosen by God to lead a resistance against Satan. Armed with a flaming sword given to him by the archangel Gabriel, and a pouch of manna that enables him to see the spirit world, Maddix will fight back against the darkness smothering the world.But behind every great man is a great woman. Sara Kendall will come alongside Maddix and join the resistance. Once an Olympic kayaker and now a wilderness guide, Sara will lead Maddix into the mysterious slot canyons of Southwestern Utah and straight into a demonic stronghold where few have made it out alive, and those that have couldn’t be recognized. But the Father of Lies will not go down easily. Convinced the Rapture is imminent; Satan floods the churches of Earth with demons in a desperate attempt to stymie the spreading Gospel. And soon the entire world wants to arrest Andrew Maddix and Sara Kendall. It will take a SEAL’s courage and skillset, and a wilderness guide’s knowledge to enable them stay free long enough to help usher in mankind’s most anticipated event: the Rapture.

File Size: 748 KB

Print Length: 270 pages

Publisher: Mark Romang (December 1, 2013)

Publication Date: December 1, 2013

Sold by:  Digital Services LLC

Language: English


Text-to-Speech: Enabled

X-Ray: Not Enabled

Word Wise: Enabled

Lending: Not Enabled

Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled

Best Sellers Rank: #32,704 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #14 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Literature & Fiction > Religious & Inspirational Fiction > Christian > Fantasy #25 in Books > Christian Books & Bibles > Literature & Fiction > Fantasy #31 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Literature & Fiction > Religious & Inspirational Fiction > Science Fiction & Fantasy

This was a bit far fetch for me and it lacked the realism from a spiritual perspective. I read spiritual drama to be inspired in my walk for God. This didn't inspire me spiritually at all for it was too far from the truth of God's Word. I don't believe evil spirits show feelings of love, humility and hope. Those are attributes of God's character which are not possible for evil spirits to express. Also, you're not going to hear Lucifer ever saying I'm Sorry. So the ending was dumb for me.

This book and its sequel Battle Storm are wonderful Christian appocalyptic adventure fiction and considerably more true to Scripture than the Left Behind series. I can't wait for Book 3. I also read The Grace Painter. This guy, Mark Romang, knows how to hold your interest and convey Christianity at the same time.

Spiritual Warfare is real and comes to life for a former Navy Seal turned pastor, Andrew Maddix, when his church fills with demons wreaking havoc. His life is turned upside down when an angel comes to him and gives him the sword of Eden, the same fiery sword that prevented anyone from entering Eden after the fall of man, Forced to combat demon to save himself and those around him Maddix sets out on an amazing journey.Battle Scream is book 1 of the Battle Series, I'm really excited to read book two Battle Storm. I thoroughly enjoyed it and had a hard time putting it down.5 Stars!

I enjoyed this book and hope that this author will continue in this genre. I think he glorified the Lord and that makes the book doesn't it? Its worth it to read if your a Christian. If you arent you should read it anyway, then maybe you will understand the way the realm of the unseen works.

I have never read anything by this author before. I do like reading about spiritual warfare as it is REAL in this world. However, although the characters are well developed and the descriptions are very good, I notice that none of the characters really call out to God unless they are in trouble. They were told to pray and fast before the first strike against the demons, but there is no substance regarding that issue. No talk of the Power that they would receive. They do no praying as they are moving about the Perdition slot cavern as one might think would be done before battle. I realize that most humans would be a bit timid to do the type of warfare spoken of in this book, but even spiritual warfare as it is really handled requires constant prayer. Also, I noted a point that I did not feel was valid. Sarah said she didn't know really what job she should take, what God wanted her to do.Maddicks told her that God didn't care what job you did as long as you did it for Him. I disagree, I think God is very interested in what job you are in. He Know exactly what His Children are best suited for and Places them where h wants them, then , of course, you do your best for The Master of our souls, God Almighty. I am going to read all three books and see if this thread changes.

Woo hoo, what a ride! Great premise, great execution! Christian action suspense at its finest! Please make this into a movie series! The harshest critic could argue that you can't fight a spiritual battle with physical weapons. However if there's the Spirit behind each thrust of the weapon, at a great stretch it's not totally impossible. And after all Eden's Flaming Sword, or the greatly feared fire weapons? He legitimizes a lot, but Romang could have offered a scripture or principle behind each weapon thrust.WARNING; however, it includes several depictions of demons, their activity, and physical battles with them. All tastefully done, and not overbearingly. But its not for the sensitive.

I can't wait till Book 4, maybe due out June/July 2016. This series has heightened my faith in my God, in Jesus and the Holy Spirit. It does not worship angels or ascribe good to demons, and gives all the glory to Him as is due. Each book is a story in its own, yet follows on to the next. New characters are introduced and new countries and the Heavenlies give variety to the scenery. Even my beloved country New Zealand is featured with the Forgotten Highway of New Plymouth just a short distance away.I read the detractor reviews and wondered. Then I read the 3 books and found no room for question. I love the battle scenes, I love good over evil. A few minor typos... I am sure I can forgive for that. God has forgiven me for more.Mark must be an awesome Christian. He is an awesome writer that deserves better recognition and higher prices on his books.Read and enjoy!!!

Wow! What a surprise! The story has more twists and turns than a can of worms. You get so wrapped up in the plot, you cannot put it down. Angels and demons add an extra zing to it. Am anxious to start the follow up book.

Battle Scream (The Battle Series Book 1) Silent Scream: Detective Kim Stone Crime Thriller, Book 1 Splat the Cat: I Scream for Ice Cream (I Can Read Level 1) American Scream: Allen Ginsberg's Howl and the Making of the Beat Generation Chasing the Scream: The First and Last Days of the War on Drugs A Midsummer Night's Scream Make Her Scream: Last Longer, Come Harder, and Be the Best She's Ever Had The Voice from the Edge, Vol. 1: I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream The Nancy Drew and the Clue Crew Collection: Sleepover Sleuths; Scream for Ice Cream; Pony Problems; The Cinderella Ballet Mystery; Case of the Sneaky Snowman Goosebumps Retro Scream Collection: Limited Edition Tin Battle Sky (The Battle Series, Book 4) Battle Siege (The Battle Series Book 3) Battle Storm (The Battle Series Book 2) The Maps of First Bull Run: An Atlas of the First Bull Run (Manassas) Campaign, including the Battle of Ball's Bluff, June-October 1861 (American Battle Series) The Battle of South Mountain: The History of the Civil War Battle that Led the Union and Confederate Armies to Antietam The Battle of Leipzig: The History and Legacy of the Biggest Battle of the Napoleonic Wars A Question Of Intent: A Great American Battle With A Deadly Industry (Great American Battle with with a Deadly Industry) Simple Worship in the War Room: How to Declutter Your Spiritual Life and Strengthen Your Faith (Battle Plan for Prayer Series Book 2) Every Young Woman's Battle: Guarding Your Mind, Heart, and Body in a Sex-Saturated World (The Every Man Series) Hell Itself: The Battle of the Wilderness, May 5-7, 1864 (Emerging Civil War Series)