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Judgment (The Alternate Earth Series, Book 3)
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As Jess deals with the repercussions of Ravan’s latest earth-shattering actions, she soon realizes that not everything is as it seems. Being surrounded by the enemy on all sides, Jess quickly learns who has her back and who wants to stab it. Once she’s able to carry on with her God given mission, the stakes rise to monstrous proportions for Jess and the other vessels, forcing them to place their lives on the line for a world that is not their own. As events unfold, even Lucifer finds life on alternate Earth not nearly as entertaining as he thought it would be. His disappointment in Lucian’s plan grows exponentially with each catastrophe the princes of Hell unleash. Jess maintains her hope for Lucifer’s soul, however futile, as she witnesses his unease with the happenings on alternate Earth. Even though he professes to hate humanity, Jess sees a glimmer of hope for her friend and refuses to give up on saving his soul.God obviously has His reasons for wanting to protect this particular reality, and even though alternate Earth isn’t their home, Jess and her friends know they must do everything within their power to save it.

File Size: 1288 KB

Print Length: 324 pages

Page Numbers Source ISBN: 151756820X

Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

Publisher: Watchers Publishing; 1 edition (September 28, 2015)

Publication Date: September 28, 2015

Sold by:  Digital Services LLC

Language: English


Text-to-Speech: Enabled

X-Ray: Not Enabled

Word Wise: Enabled

Lending: Not Enabled

Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled

Best Sellers Rank: #29,296 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #11 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Literature & Fiction > Religious & Inspirational Fiction > Christian > Fantasy #20 in Books > Christian Books & Bibles > Literature & Fiction > Fantasy #28 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Literature & Fiction > Religious & Inspirational Fiction > Science Fiction & Fantasy

Judgment begins moments after the cliffhanger at the end of Uprising (Book #2). Jess finds herself bereft of all her memories, and is told she is a friend to Lucian. Despite her suspicions that Lucian is hiding something, she does not see an out for herself.This is where the book begins. Then, West provides action, adventure, and life-threatening confrontations. These plot points are very exciting! The important take-away lesson revolves around working as a team… allowing each person to play the part God meant for them to play. There is also sacrifice, grief, and heartbreak. It is definitely a tear jerking storyline requiring some tissues at the ready.West really delivers in this final installment of the Alternate Earth series. The book is so enchanting. It is one of those read straight through books: imaginative, creative, well-written and compelling. There were, however, a couple of unresolved questions. Hopefully there will be another series in the future that begins just after Alternate Earth ends.Judgement is a great ending to a great series. 4 3/4 stars

Words truly can not express how much I enjoyed reading the conclusion to this series. As usual West does it again, I am always amazed at the thought that is put into the plot and storyline because in the end it all comes together like a perfectly wrapped gift for readers to enjoy. Even though this is a work of fiction it reinforces my belief in God and that He has a plan for all of us. It may not be what we want it to be, but we have to have faith that He has everyone's best interest at heart.I laughed and I cried and in the end I was left asking myself what would I sacrifice to save the world. I find that I can't wait to read what's next, as all the puzzle pieces begin to come together. There is not one thing I did not like about this series, it's just another piece of the puzzle that has fallen into place and I can't wait to unwrap the rest of the puzzle.

OMG, so many emotions from page 1 to the last page. This book not only brought this adventure to an end with the alternate earth but brought so many emotions to the table that i am exhausted and my heart is still in a whirl. S.J. West brought her best writing to the close of this series , this book gave so much more to the characters lives it gave us what we were waiting for it was powerful and hits you straight in the heart. your not going to want to miss this book . the tears will flow thru out the book and there will be spurts of giggles at the humor I found with lucifer of all characters....but most of all you will be content in the end.. I loved it....

Jess, Mason, Malcolm and the entire group of vessels along with Lucifer are having trouble on alternate earth. They are hit at every angle. The seals continue to be opened and failure is just around the corner.Jess can't seem to find a way to end this nightmare are take them back to their home. She loses her memory and ends up with Lucian. Can Mason rescue her in time?? Will the horns all get blown?? Will they die on alternate earth?S.J. West did not disappoint when this book was written. It is fascinating, frustrating and wonderful. The characters are great. You will smile and the cry your eyes out when o e of them is lost. I loved this series and will continue to read......

Get ready for a big fat ugly cry... The wrap up for the Alternate Earth Series was just stunning. Having read the whole series of Watchers books, this was by far the best yet. No spoilers but the story will rip your heart out and leave you with more questions than answers. Jess and Masons story is beautifully written and well thought out. I'm not normally a huge fan of books with the God factor played in. But Sandra manages to tactfully and tastefully weave this tale without shoving it in your face. Stoked for the Dominion series and Mae and Tristan's story.

This is the 3rd book in the Alternate Earth Series....As this series comes to a conclusion, I had mixed feelings.... these books take you through it all... I laughed, cried, screamed, laughed some more, cried some more... but I would not change a thing.....What a wonderful ride!!!Loved every minute of it....

Wow what an ending to another great series. Have some tissues ready for this one because you will ugly cry. This was a great story. I honestly thought a lot more would happen. I'm so glad it didn't. Idk if I could have taken anymore happening honestly. I can't wait to read more. As always the watchers keep me on my toes!

This was another wonderful book about the Watchers. We find them on alternate earth, and it is in chaos! The Lucifer of this world Lucian is even worse then Lucifer. He is planning on destroying this world and the Watchers are determined to stop him.This book is a great read, I couldn't put it down. Anxiously awaiting the next book!

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