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In The Land Of Magnanthia (Portals, Passages & Pathways Book 1)
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Awarded Best Fantasy eBook in the 2015 Independent Publisher Book Awards and the beginning of the sword and sorcery fantasy adventure series for teens and adults. Have you ever wondered, “Why am I here?” For Fourteen-year-old Simon Whittaker the answer is awaiting on the other side of a magic portal…but so is the darkest, primal evil.Book #1 in the teen and young adult fantasy adventure series.Independent Publisher Award Winner In the Land of Magnanthia is a teen & young adult fantasy adventure that takes you on a magical journey into the beautiful land of Magnanthia, the home to fantasy creatures of all kinds, spell-casting wizards and warlocks, and the ultimate war between good and evil. Follow two teenagers as they go up against the hardships with coming of age, struggle to find redemption, and fight to discover a way off the roadway of eternal death and onto the pathway to everlasting life!When a portal to another world cracks open just outside a small town in Minnesota, it sets off a series of events forever changing the lives of two boys. Simon is set on the path to save the world, while Jak is on a path to tear it apart.What pathway are YOU on?

File Size: 2083 KB

Print Length: 479 pages

Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

Publication Date: March 1, 2014

Sold by:  Digital Services LLC

Language: English


Text-to-Speech: Enabled

X-Ray: Not Enabled

Word Wise: Enabled

Lending: Not Enabled

Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled

Best Sellers Rank: #34,654 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #18 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Literature & Fiction > Religious & Inspirational Fiction > Christian > Fantasy #32 in Books > Christian Books & Bibles > Literature & Fiction > Fantasy #36 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Literature & Fiction > Religious & Inspirational Fiction > Science Fiction & Fantasy

There is a lot to like in B.R. Maul's debut novel, In The Land Of Magnanthia. Maul has created an alternate world connected to our own through portals, much like C.S. Lewis' Narnia. The opening of these portals allows a pair of teens, Simon and Jak, to be taken to Magnanthia and thrust into a war where both boys will play a major role. It reminds me of a lot of the fantasies I had back when I was playing Dungeons and Dragons as a teen. Although the book started a bit slow with a lot of background and some awkward early scenes and dialogue, by the time the boys arrive in Magnanthia the book improves and starts to move at a good pace. The two teens start off as somewhat cliched characters, with Jak in particular wandering into cartoonish angry/evil teen territory at times. As a first novel, it shows potential and hopefully the series will improve as it goes forward.

This book opens with Peter, who is a Guardian, trying to protect a princess from two wizards. There has just been a war and Peter believes there is a traitor among the counsel of wizards. So he casts a spell to protect the princess and they disappear. Then we are taken to the planet earth and the present time and meet Simon and his dad and his across the road neighbors. We quickly learn that there is more to Simon than meets the eye and that he is destined for more greatness than he could have ever imagined.This book has quite an intriguing opening that leaves you wanting to read on to discover what became of Peter and the princess and this strange land they are from. Since this is just the first book of probably many more to come, you are left with some unanswered questions. Overall though, it was an enjoyable read. I enjoyed being taken into the wonder of Magnanthia and the evil of Bedlam. Excited to see where book 2 takes us next!

When I was in high school .... many many many years ago, my brother was a terrific dungeon master. This book reminded me of the fun we had taking an epic journey filled with the widest variety of adventurers, creatures, and dangers.Maul adds the element of tying in current day characters who find themselves unexpectedly caught up in a conflict they can't begin to comprehend.Although there is a lot going on to hold your interest in the beginning of the book the story take a little time to get rolling. There are plenty of great characters for you to cheer for or loathe. His vivid descriptions of the fantastic events and world of Magnanthia will appeal to the fan who loves to be immersed in the details of the story.I gave the book a 5 stars because the author lays the groundwork for a really enjoyable series. Imaginative and vividly told it could use some polishing but in a few places but there isn't a 4 1/2

We as a society have been fascinated for thousands of years with the idea of magic, fantastic creatures, alternate worlds far away from our realit. A lot of us even waited for something out of the usual to happen in our childhood years to take us away from routine, from the normal, because we read it happened to some character in a book, so why wouldn't it be possible to happen for us too? This excitement, this magic I haven't felt in a long time, was reignited by 'In the land of Magnanthia'.Even though it may start rather slow for some people's tastes, this book is really worth the time you invest in it. The complex world it presents the reader, the well developed characters that you meet over the course of the book, the creatures found in the journey, everything is masterfully made and written in such a delicious way. I just can't wait to start reading the second book of the saga!If you like, or liked at some point of your life, fantasy stories with unbelievable worlds and crazy situations, I thoroughly recommend you read In the Land of Magnanthia. It has the power to spark that fiber inside you that hasn't been touched in years.

This book is a remarkable fantasy fiction with twists and turns throughout from beginning to end. The contrast shown by the author of two different characters is quite interesting. It’s like showing actions and reactions of two sides of the coins. A very simple, organized, easy to follow book and has a good use of vocabulary. The story line is fast paced, full of action and engaging. It will take you to an adventurous journey that you will not want to end, until it’s done. The book is a little lengthy, but I enjoyed reading it. It has so many mysterious events that will keep you on the edge and does not get boring or uninteresting at all. A good fit for kids to adults. I read this book in more than couple sittings, but it kept me wondering about what danger the main characters will face next or what unforeseen is ahead. So I was connected to the story even when I was not reading it. All in all a great blend of Mystery, Action and Fantasy.

Great start for a series. Well written from beginning to end. From modern day to fantasy world. Characters kept in perspective to storyline and plot. Very attention holding, hard to put down. Tendency to draw you into story. Great YA fantasy book. Looking forward to next book. Highly recommend to fantasy lovers.

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