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Johnny McCabe (The McCabes Book 6)
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As they sit by a fire on a Christmas night, Johnny tells the family of his early days on the frontier. Of how he and his brothers became wanted by the law, how he met Lura, and how he became the man he is now.

File Size: 1508 KB

Print Length: 475 pages

Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

Publication Date: March 17, 2016

Sold by:  Digital Services LLC

Language: English


Text-to-Speech: Enabled

X-Ray: Enabled

Word Wise: Enabled

Lending: Not Enabled

Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled

Best Sellers Rank: #4,082 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #26 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Literature & Fiction > Genre Fiction > Westerns > Christian #26 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Literature & Fiction > Classics > Western #26 in Books > Christian Books & Bibles > Literature & Fiction > Westerns

Let me first answer some questions. First, I gave five stars because the book deserved five stars. Second, What I liked about the book was every word between the first and last words. Third, this book really should not be read until the first five are read. Oh, you would enjoy it, but it is so much more interesting when you can see how this story connects with previous ones. Brad Dennison, it was ingenious how you wrote the first five volumes, then answered all our questions with a super sixth volume. And I can't wait for the next one which will continue filling in the details from the first stories.

Johnny tells his family about his past. This novel ties up any loose ends from books 1 through 5. It really expands the information on the whole McCabe family. A well written story that will hold your attention throughout. I recommend reading books 1 through 5 first but his stores will be enjoyed no matter which order they are read.

Book 6 is as good as the other 5 books in the series. If the reader started with book 1 of the series or just picked this one up they would be able to put all the characters in their respective places with the life of John McCabe. However, I started with book 1 and have read each in the order in which Dennison wrote them and I felt that I got more out of the stories. The best part or book 6 is the fact that John McCabe shares with his adult daughter, Bree, his past and as such the reader is able to put 2 and 2 together to get 4. This is a very good series that has more of the character and plot development then a typical shootem up bang--bang western. Dennison does have a strong moral compass for his characters in his westerns. If you like westerns--this is a good series. Entertaining as well as a good read.

My house is dusty. My laundry is piled high, but I read this series from cover to cover!! You won't be able to put them down. Mr. Dennison is a wonderful story teller . Now I see there is a seventh book in this series, so i guess the house work will have to wait. This series is a keeper, I plan to read them again! What a wonderful family. .

I really enjoy the way this story segued into the past era of the McCabe family then moving forward through a tumultuous early life. Brad's depiction of Johnny McCabe's maturity is outstanding.Ken

I really enjoyed this yarn. I have lived a very colorful life and known may colorful characters. Some good and some bad. I don't know why but I like these types of Western's. I grew up in the Pacific Northwest. Vietnam veteran, and now disabled veteran retired old fart. Your mileage may vary as they say.

I gave this series 4 stars because the story line and characters were suite colorful. I enjoyed all of the books and the McCabe brothers, old and young.The problem was the amateurish writing style and so much needless repetition!! Also the presentation was so full of errors.Still, I read all 6 books.

It must be much more difficult to write a prequel. The stories have been told, the characters developed and then the author has to explain how and why. Denison has done an excellent job of both with a story that answers many questions - and asks a few more!

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