File Size: 503 KB
Print Length: 319 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publisher: CANDID Publications; 1 edition (August 29, 2016)
Publication Date: August 29, 2016
Sold by: Digital Services LLC
Language: English
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
X-Ray: Not Enabled
Word Wise: Enabled
Lending: Not Enabled
Enhanced Typesetting: Not Enabled
Best Sellers Rank: #2,765 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #20 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Literature & Fiction > Religious & Inspirational Fiction > Christian > Romance > Contemporary #20 in Books > Christian Books & Bibles > Literature & Fiction > Romance > Contemporary #43 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Literature & Fiction > Religious & Inspirational Fiction > Romance
Reading a new book by Carol Moncado is like getting together again with a bunch of old friends to find out what's new in their lives. Her newest release, “Grace to Save,” fits right in there, telling the story of a couple of characters that have shown up in several other of her books.There aren't heart-stopping plot twists as in some of Carol's books, but it's still a very satisfying story. The suspense is more the kind of revealing little bits of the characters' back stories as the book progresses, leaving you wanting more and more of those details, so you keep reading.So, get ready for a good read as you find out more about old friends. Now I need to get back to the housework I neglected to finish reading Travis, Cassie & Abi's story!
Carol had done it again! I just LOVE all the characters of Serenity Landing. There are so many connection and wonderful books. I live how Carol has woven many different books together.This book truly touched my heart. I've never experienced any of the things Abi, Travis and Cassie have gone through, but I can understand it. Carol writes in such a vivid colorful way that it's not hard to picture the struggles and issues. It truly was heartfelt emotions of loss, abandonment, never being enough, and hopeless. Yet there also was, LOVE, FAITH, HOPE, ACCEPTANCE, RENEWAL, AND ROMANCE.I appreciated how Carol clearly presented the message of God's unending LOVE for everyone of who wants to accept it.This was a sweet book and I highly recommend it!
Carol Moncado weaves an inspirational romance about 9/11, forgiveness, and grace. With his baby daughter Cassie Travis returns home to calm and peaceful Serenity Falls. Fifteen years later Abi Cassie's mother arrives at Travis's doorstep full of regret and begging for forgiveness. Will Travis and Cassie overcome the feeling of abandonment? Will Abi find the love of God? A different perspective of redemption and survivors and victims of 9/11.
Love this unusual romance especially since there is a single dad and a single mom who had a one night when both had drunk from the same drug induced coffee cup. They had known each other for years but as she was still in high school and he in college they hadn't dated. She had asked him to rescue her from a wild party where he wasn't invited. Result a pregnancy he didn'+ know about until she dropped the baby off. Home to Serenity Landing so his parents could help. Realistic writing, Tension and typical t teenage angst when her mom finds them. Plenty of fireworks. Enjoyable
I love Carol Moncado's stories. If you like a good clean romantic story, interwoven with God's plan for our life, you will love this. I love that the characters relate in all the books and stories. This is set in Missouri filled with unexpected turns. Never a dull moment. I can't wait for her next book to come out. I think I have read every one so far. I keep looking for ones I may have missed.
Abi made a huge mistake when she was 16 which changed her life forever. She gave her baby to the father and ran away. Now her dad needs a bone marrow transplant to save his life. Abi has to find her daughter and beg her to save the life of the man who had ruined all their lives. The love of God is beautifully portrayed as Abi reacquaints herself with the family she gave away. Beautifully written.
After abandoning her baby just days old, 15 years Abi is back and Cassie is not pleased to see her. But Abi needs something from Cassie. Travis, Cassie's Dad is not thrilled to see Abi back and wonders what she really wants. He also remembers the girl she was ... can they build a good relationship together or can the past not be forgiven?I really enjoyed this book. It hooked me in and had a few surprises along the way so I never quite knew what was coming next. I definitely recommend this story of forgiveness and new beginnings.
This book was so good, from start to finish Carol holds your attention. This book had a bunch of research put into it, it's partially about 9/11 and what some of the people who survived went through during and after it happened. It's weaved in wonderfully with a story about a women who left her daughter at birth, and comes back into her daughter's life; and that of the father's as well. Great read and a truly wonderful book.
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