File Size: 715 KB
Print Length: 322 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Up to 5 simultaneous devices, per publisher limits
Publisher: Thomas Nelson; 1 edition (October 17, 2010)
Publication Date: October 17, 2010
Sold by: Digital Services LLC
Language: English
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
X-Ray: Enabled
Word Wise: Enabled
Lending: Not Enabled
Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled
Best Sellers Rank: #19,309 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #66 in Books > Christian Books & Bibles > Literature & Fiction > Romance > Amish #67 in Books > Christian Books & Bibles > Literature & Fiction > Amish & Mennonite #67 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Literature & Fiction > Religious & Inspirational Fiction > Christian > Romance > Amish
I just didn't like this book.....I read the book several weeks ago and put off writing my review because I didn't really like it and wanted to read again to see if I changed my mind. I have read and enjoyed several books by Beth Wiseman unfortunately this is not one of them. My first impressions were that the book was very busy...there seems to be too many story lines and characters to try and keep up with. Mysteries are hinted at but dragged out too long. The reader can easily figure out what is going to happen or what has happened well before it's revealed. The characters also have an unreal feel to them and don't seem to fit with the Amish Culture, ie: an unruly at times rude 7 year old, well established members of the church worrying and complaining about circumstances, seeking justice for a crime when the Amish reportedly don't prosecute by English laws, a mother who continues to act as if nothing has happened after the family is touched with violence.After deciding it was time to write my review I began to read the book again and I'm just as disappointed. I got really tired of the same story line dragging on and on and on....The one enjoyable part to the book was the humorous English characters and their interaction with the families.I really like Beth Wiseman and think she is a great author but this book just didn't appeal to me.
I have read all of Beth Wiseman's books! This new series promises to be another winner! Relocating some of the characters from previous books (Daughters of Paradise) was an excellent idea. It is a good lesson to all readers to learn, that with God's help and the love of family and friends we can over come personal trials and tribulations. All readers of this book have had similar stories I'm sure. It is extremely hard to wait for the next book to be published!Keep them coming Beth!
Beth Wiseman's Seek Me With All Your Heart is a great start to her brand new series. You join the Stoltzfu family, Lillian, Samuel, David, and the girls after their journey from Lancaster County, Pennsylvania to Canaan, Colorado.Upon arriving things seem worse than they expected, but trusting in God brings them through.I really enjoyed reading this book. I am not usually a fast reader, but Beth's books are easy to read. If you haven't picked up this book, I highly recommend it.
A bittersweet story of redemption as a young Amish girl who's been assaulted and a young Amish man who's survived a severe health crisis find their way to each other despite their problems. There's a happy ending for them, but not necessarily for other characters, who experience a series of problems.Pluses: the characters in the series are not idealized. Amish people are just as subject to the normal problems of human life, which include health, crime, relationships, dealing with life stages. I also appreciated that the novel dealt with a growing experience in Amish communities: the move away from the traditional historical settlements in Pennsylvania and the Midwest to other areas where land is cheaper or supervision of the churches is less stringent. Despite the fact that the plot of this story is clearly that of a traditional romance, the story itself does not take a romantic view of the world.Negatives: I still find it hard to read these novels about Amish people written by non-Amish. This one has no severe errors in discussion of the Amish way of life itself, but the interior lives of the characters are described in a way that makes it seem like the Amish way of thinking about life, the universe/salvation and the self is just the same as ours. This may be true on the very fringes of the Amish community (which this book discusses) but as to elsewhere, it's not really accurate. The relationship of the self to the community in the Amish world is strongly in contrast to that in the English world, and this book hides that completely.But it was a good read, nice to cuddle up in bed with on a winter night.
Emily does not trust men after what happened to her in Ohio. So when she first meets David she fears him. David has no intention of courting any woman because he fears he might not live long enough to get married and raise children but when he meets Emily he finds himself fighting those feelings. As Emily gets to know David she finds herself seeing that not all men are a like and that maybe she can find the happiness that she wants to find. With these two find a new beginning together? I recently read Plain Proposal by the same author which is the last book in the previous series(Daughters of the Promise). There where some lead ins to this new series in that book so I was excited to read it. I was not disappointed I liked this story a lot. Both Emily and David has issues that caused them to fear they could never find true love. As these two become friends they start to see that what they had thought to be true was not and by seeking God with all their heart they could find happiness. The thing I also learned is some of the characters from the other series are in this book and now I want to go read the whole series to learn their stories as well. Over all this was a well written book and a great first novel for this series. I am looking forward to the next book!
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