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Boom Town (The McCabes Book 4)
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Johnny McCabe brings his new bride to Montana, but finds things are not as he had left them. A gold rush is threatening to change the lives of everyone. Meanwhile, in Mexico, Dusty McCabe and the men riding with him discover Sam Middleton has been confined to a covert facility for political prisoners and enemies of the state. A place where prisoners go in, but they never leave alive. Can Dusty and the men with him break Samout without getting themselves killed in the process?

File Size: 904 KB

Print Length: 312 pages

Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

Publisher: Pine Bookshelf (July 25, 2014)

Publication Date: July 25, 2014

Sold by:  Digital Services LLC

Language: English


Text-to-Speech: Enabled

X-Ray: Enabled

Word Wise: Enabled

Lending: Not Enabled

Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled

Best Sellers Rank: #2,977 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #14 in Books > Christian Books & Bibles > Literature & Fiction > Westerns #14 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Literature & Fiction > Genre Fiction > Westerns > Christian #17 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Literature & Fiction > Classics > Western

Call me a romantic but I really enjoyed this book. In this book you have McCabe Gap turning into a gold rush city, Johnny coming home from California with his new wife, Josh and Temperance getting more serious, Bree fighting off a dangerous threat and finding her true love, busting Sam out of a Mexican prison, a super surprise for Ginny and I've just scratched the surface. It's a great read.Some small criticism, at least twice Dusty's name was used instead of Josh in the context of the story. There are several misspelled words, but other than that it's a great story, especially for those who are following the series.This could easily be considered a Christian Western. It's something we need, good, healthy reading without a lot of trash. Thank you Brad Dennison.

The McCabes are a family easy to like, admire, and emulate. The author, however, needs polishing. His work achieved publishing without the editing normally found in a professionally published work.. I grade him a 3 on his structure, and a 4 on history and character description..Misspelled words, incorrect words, and poor sentence structure are easy to spot. History, a little more difficult. The stories are set in the 1880's. Texas toast? In that period? I have not checked the OED, but when did you hear the term describing thick sliced bread fried in garlic butter? Four rules dictate good writing craft: # The settings and subjects should be thoroughly researched; when possible the author should work from actual experience; # The story must be thoroughly told in the fewest possible words; # The language used must be absolutely correct; # Punctuation and sentence structure must be absolutely correct.

The McCabe series lends itself well as a nice TV weekly series. Give some serious thought to getting someone to look at the idea. Of the four books I've read, there is enough story line and well defined characters to fill three plus season, all the while continuing to write more and more segments for a big selection of characters and events. EDITINNG IS STILL POOR. But, it hasn't' stopped my eagerness for more. JEANNIE

I like the Mccabes. The whole family are gun hawks, even a daughter. Shoshone spirit does work for me. I read the other, in order, books in the series. I delayed a few months to resume this series. I like the author, but he wasted his ability, writing about unbelievable family and characters.A real treacherous bad guy lurking. Second chances for criminals, and love are both cute. Lame characters and a predictable story are boorish.Two, or three good love stories.

Another outstanding western by Mr. Dennison. The only problem with this book is I could not put the thing down once I start reading it. A lot of head scratching going on trying to figure out what is going to happen next or how will they get out of this one.

I thoroughly enjoy reading Brad Dennison..He really brings a new twist of family living in the old west. How they stand beside each other to keep the family well and safe.. How they fight to defend what is theirs. The love of the town and neighbors coming to the aid of each other even dying to keep all safe and well. Can't wait for book #5

Everything a western novel needs to be a classic is within these covers. Romance, beautiful scenery, horses, cattle drives, guns, fist fights, shootouts, and jail breaks; what more could one possibly ask for? His stories are well researched and fast paced. Western readers will enjoy this series.

I have read all of Brad's McCabe Saga books as fast as they come out and I think this one is his best yet! He always puts so much research into his books to make them historically correct. I also like the way he brings people and things from past books that you've completely forgotten about to the front again.

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