File Size: 627 KB
Print Length: 188 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publication Date: August 25, 2016
Sold by: Digital Services LLC
Language: English
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
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Word Wise: Enabled
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Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled
Best Sellers Rank: #972 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #1 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Literature & Fiction > Religious & Inspirational Fiction > Science Fiction & Fantasy #2 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Teen & Young Adult > Mysteries & Thrillers > Science Fiction #2 in Books > Christian Books & Bibles > Literature & Fiction > Science Fiction
Wow, Bobby continues the story of Colton and his family's treacherous journey of survival. I'm amazed how well this book integrates everything I've been reading lately. This book should be in everybody's Prepper 101 class.Colton and his family are struggling through the first few weeks of the solar flare - life has changed drastically. The neighborhood is trying to unite, food and fresh water is scarce for most, gangs are knocking on their door. "Never underestimate the depravity of man." Colton states. Big decisions must be made for their future. "Having somewhere to live is home. Having someone to love is family." Bobby explains in a thrilling and exciting story with real- to- life characters the what to do's and the what not to do's in a survival situation; and how important the will to survive can be. What can I say, fantastic again.
I have followed Bobby Akart's writings since I first read The Loyal Nine, his first book in the Boston Brahmin series! As I wait for the final chapter of that great series, I started on his latest endeavor, 36 Hours which is his first book in the Black Out series!!!!I have now received and read Zero Hour. Both books kept me up reading all night!! The Ryman family were just like millions of Americans!!! Living their own idea of the American Dream. They could not believe anything could keep them from reaching the pinnacle of success!!! They were so close when the lights went out!!!!Thanks to two strong women who saw what was coming, even though the government tried to hide it until it was to late they were able to prepare in just 36 Hours for the end of the world as we know it.When Zero Hour hit they were able to survive and protect themselves from the collapse that was occurring around them!These two books should be read by anyone who believes bad things can happen to good people and the only way to survive is to be prepared!!!!I can't wait for the next book as the Ryman family begins their future in the new world they now face!!!!! The American Dream is gone but I believe they will hopefully find a new and better dream as they embark on their new life.5 stars!!!! You have done it again Bobby!!!!!!
Bobby Akart has done it again. Each book gets better and each book draws you in. The characters could be your neighbors and friends and those of you with an HOA this could be you as well. Realistic is not the word for this story. Scary is the word. This could really happen in one form or another. With North Korea being as crazy as it is and just testing another nuclear weapon we are on the brink of war and this one will be a game changer. I have said it before, Bobby’s books are definitely “how to” guides on surviving any type of collapse. Get this book and add it to your library of references on surviving a collapse event. If you have not read 36 Hours yet you will need to before starting Zero Hour.
I read 36 hours, the first book in the Blackout Series, in one sitting because I was so wrapped up in the story. Zero hour does not disappoint, and was another one that I read straight through. Bobby Akart takes you on a journey that sucks you in, and keeps you on the edge of your seat the entire time. The subject matter of this series is a very real threat, and I believe that the way that it is presented here is more than likely exactly the way that things will go down for many people. Bobby Akart has a gift when it comes to writing in the dystopian genre, and is one of the many great authors out there. He is very thorough in his research when it comes to all his books, and has a knack for making tough subjects palatable for just about everyone. Book series like this one immerse you in a world that none of us want to think about, but by reading it you become part of the story and can relate to the characters. Questions and scenarios start to swarm through your own mind, wondering what would you do if this happened to you. That's the whole get you thinking, and hopefully take action to prepare for whatever may be coming your way. Bobby Akart is not just spinning some fantastic tale of post apocalyptic adventure. He is giving you realistic scenarios and how they will likely play out, in hopes that you and your family will be on the road to being better prepared after reading it. He has quickly become one of my favorite, and go to authors. Do yourself a favor and grab this series, you won't be disappointed.
Bobby Akart was swinging for the fence with this book ! It's another fine book by him. A catastrophe that could be lurking in our near future. It's already happened here a hundred and some odd years ago. Bobby realistically leads us on a journey with the Ryman family during this disaster. Number two in this trilogy. Don't miss it !
This second book proves the success of this series!When the Ryman family are finally reunited, finally able to relax and know that they are safe and together.....CLICK.The lights are out, the electricity is gone, and their world will never be the same. Have they fully prepared for this? Does anyone know what will happen next? Will the family and their friends survive this event? How long until the government helps? Will it even be a help? And how well do they really know their neighbors?....So many questions, with answers that are not to be believed.... Except it is all exactly what will happen to life and humanity when the dependency for power is taken away.The Blackout Series continues with a startling, realistic view of what the Ryman family will have to experience, endure, and overcome. An excellent story for all ages without any vulgarity or too descriptive, horrific scenes. But very real, all the same. And the question lingers....Not if....but when?
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