File Size: 1320 KB
Print Length: 692 pages
Publication Date: December 27, 2013
Sold by: Digital Services LLC
Language: English
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
X-Ray: Enabled
Word Wise: Enabled
Lending: Not Enabled
Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled
Best Sellers Rank: #2,823 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #10 in Books > Christian Books & Bibles > Literature & Fiction > Westerns #10 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Literature & Fiction > Genre Fiction > Westerns > Christian #13 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Literature & Fiction > Classics > Western
Good storyline; good plot and I enjoyed the history lessons! This is the second book I have read by this author centering on the McCabes and I enjoyed how he weaved the two together. What I didn't like was the lack of proofreading ... both books had typos and in one case, the wrong character name. Overall, I would highly recommend the book to my friends who enjoy western novels but I would warn them about the writing/typing errors.
Another great continuation of The McCabes with a story line that ties into the family. Another Brad Dennison's hard to set aside because you know there's something coming at you yet again. There appeared to be some editing missing and a transposed name in one place but again an excellent story. I really enjoy the way the fiction side is woven into the history of that time.Overall well done. Interesting how there's a notable lack on profanity and vulgar words yet the excitement and mystery is very apparent.Second time around. September 11, 20133All through it I had a good idea of what was coming next and realized having gone through it once before I was able to immerse myself into the story line even more, if that make sense. I see sequels to the McCabes continuing to branch off in more than one direction, that's for sure. I'm sure Bran Dennison will be able to create those can't hardly put it down till reaching the end sequels.
So far this is the second book of the series I have read. Quite entertaining and I found I couldn't put it down.I did find a few proofreading errors, but nothing too terrible. What I did find that bothered me is trying to reconcile the "distance" problem. I grew up 20 miles from Virginia City Montana so I am pretty familiar with the area. Supposedly the ranch is something like two days ride from Virginia City and three days ride from Helena and didn't seem that far from Bozeman. If you look at a map of Montana, there is a heck of a lot of country to cover to get to any of the cities. Perhaps instead of days, the measurement should have been in weeks.What I really liked is the fact that the guns were period correct. What really drives me crazy about a lot of western is that the authors do not try to use the correct period guns. Everybody walks around with Colt "Peacemakers". I love the references to the Remington C&B revolvers. I have four of them and love shooting them. And yes, I have 13 spare cylinders I load so I can do a quick reload. I also have a couple of .45 Long Colt Conversion cylinders too.So other than the few errors mentioned I would recommend this series to anyone who enjoys westerns.
Brad is a good story weaver and he pulls you back into history to experience the story with his characters.I've enjoyed reading all of Brad's "McCabes" series. You will to. Try this book.Krik Floyd - Author - "Stealing Her Back" & "Timely Truth."
'One Man's Shadow is the second book in a series of three books by Brad Dennison. The first book is 'The Long Trail' and the third book is 'Return of the Gunhawk'. The three books are all A-1 and will keep you reading all night. A few errors here and there in the books, spelling and typographical, but they do not bother the averge reader who likes a good story. Best westerns I've read in a long time. Long stories also, many pages to enjoy. Highly recommended.
Just can't wait to get more of the McCabes. Wrote a note to the author at told him how good they are... We are now on his mailing list. He will let us know when the next ones are coming out.... Be sure and read "Tremain", probably the start of the McCabes...
Brad Dennison's One Man's Shadow is a well written tale of coming of age of our protagonist and maturation of a trio of pioneering families in the remote edges of the Montana Territory a decade or more after the stillness settled upon Appomattox. Jack McCabe leaves his medical studies in the dust as he heads home up the Bozeman Trail for a summer of reflection on his family's ranch. He meets a short wagon train of pilgrims from three New England families who are on the move for their own reasons. This book tells the story of those he encounters on his way, how their pasts effect each other, and of how Jack and those pilgrims do themselves grow and change in the crucible of the Frontier. While Dennison's occasional typos do show up they are inconsequential and One Man's Shadow is the best of all of the Western e-books I have read in the past two years.
Mr dennison has written a three series story about a western family and their struggle to establish a horse ranch and strong family ties....the farther being considered a "gunhawk" with a past history. It's pretty nice to read about a western story based on" Family"values and close ties instead of just killing the bad guys. I look forward to reading further books from this author.
One Man's Shadow (The McCabes Book 2) Trail Drive (The McCabes Book 5) Shoshone Valley (The McCabes Book 7) Boom Town (The McCabes Book 4) Johnny McCabe (The McCabes Book 6) Return of the Gunhawk (The McCabes Book 3) The Long Trail (The McCabes Book 1) The Shadow of Death - Book 2 (The Shadow of Death Serial (Amish Faith Through Fire)) Every Man's Battle: Every Man's Guide to Winning the War on Sexual Temptation One Victory at a Time (The Every Man Series) Shadow Puppets & Shadow Play Eye Shadow Techniques: Amazing and good looking eye shadow techniques for every kind of eye shapes. Ender's Shadow (The Shadow Series) Shadow of the Hegemon (The Shadow Series) Shadow Puppets (The Shadow Series) Shadow of the Giant (The Shadow Series) Every Young Man, God's Man: Confident, Courageous, and Completely His (The Every Man Series) The Mountain Man 5 Journey of the Mountain Man (Smoke Jensen the Mountain Man) Four by L'Amour: No Man's Man, Get Out of Town, McQueen of the Tumbling K, Booty for a Bad Man (Louis L'Amour) One-Block Wonders: One Fabric, One Shape, One-of-a-Kind Quilts In the Shadow of Man