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Spring Will Come (# 3 In The Bregdan Chronicles Historical Fiction Romance Series)
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Historical fiction is my passion.I so love bringing history to life - the reason I dedicate most of my time to writing historical fiction books!Spring Will Come is the third book in the ongoing Bregdan Chronicles historical novel series.It's readers like you who have turned it into a world-wide best-seller.Thank you!Book Description:As her beloved city of Richmond is transformed into a deadly Civil War battlefield, spirited Carrie Cromwell puts her medical skills to work in a Confederate hospital. While she fights to save unknown soldiers, the one she cares about the most is lost to her when Robert disappears in battle. She must also deal with a family secret that has finally come to light.Meanwhile, Rose and Moses have found freedom at last - only to be separated by war. Can Moses, now a Union spy, elude those who are searching for him as a runaway slave, and also help those he thought he would never see again? Rose, inspired by a revolutionary young speaker, becomes a teacher in the contraband camps. The third book of The Bregdan Chronicles historical fiction series will pull you in and never let you go.You'll experience the Civil War era (and all the years to come) through the eyes of both White and Black, free& slave, Southern & Northern - and you'll fall in love with every character.How many books will be in the Bregdan Chronicles?You'll have to ask God about that...I intend to write these character's stories, one year at a time, for as long as I'm able to write.I'm passionate about bringing history to life through historical fiction.Since I'm amazingly healthy, that could be for a very long time!I don't like stories to end any more than you do.This one won't end for a very long time!Review: I love historical fiction.I read book one and book two, and wanted to see how the story continues. I wasn't disappointed at all. They have all been very good books but one doesn't really end, it just goes into the next book. A good read. Review:I am really enjoying this series of historical fiction books and can't wait until the next one comes out. A truly great read!

File Size: 3024 KB

Print Length: 544 pages

Publisher: A Voice In The World Publishing; 1 edition (July 8, 2010)

Publication Date: July 8, 2010

Sold by:  Digital Services LLC

Language: English

ASIN: B004443YV0

Text-to-Speech: Enabled

X-Ray: Enabled

Word Wise: Enabled

Lending: Not Enabled

Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled

Best Sellers Rank: #5,083 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #27 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Literature & Fiction > Historical Fiction > Religious #28 in Books > Christian Books & Bibles > Literature & Fiction > Historical #31 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Literature & Fiction > Religious & Inspirational Fiction > Christian > Historical

I am beginning to worry as I only have one more book to go and I haven't seen notice that #5 and #6 have been written yet!To think I almost didn't read the first book as it was labeled as a historical romance! They are so much more than just romance novels. I am learning so much history I was not aware of....what was learned in school was a much watered down version.I am about to begin Dark Chaos and need to know there will be another one waiting for me! I am too invested in all these characters for there to be no continuation!

This is book 3 in the series for me and I never want them to end. They are fabulous. Ginnys development of each character in this series just leaves you feeling as if you know them yourself and miss them when you don't hear about them for several chapters. She has captured the center of Gods love for all who read these. I dont know how any one could read these and books and not come away with a renewed faith in his love and care for us all. Thank you Ginny!

The Bregdan Chronicles are the best historical fiction I have ever read. They will keep you captivated. The story plot is very well written it makes the Civil War come alive through the lives of the characters in the story. I read for enjoyment but I like to learn about history. I choose books that tell me something about the life and times of a certain era.I learned more from these Chronicles than I ever did in history class. Keep writing Ginny Dye I love your books.

This is even better than Gone With The Wind. The history is well written and comes to life. I have read all of the books so far and cannot wait for the next book. These are light Christian books with good strong characters. Not your usual romance conflict/ resolve story.

I am on the fourth book in this series and I have loved them all. The rich history, the characters and the storyline are all wonderful! I really thought I would become tired of these chronicles, but I was wrong. I would recommend these books highly. If you are a fan of Civil War stories, a powerful love story and rich, descriptive prose, then you will enjoy the Bregdan Chronicles.

I started with #1 in this series and was rapidly hooked. Historical fiction has become one of my favorite genres and this does not disappoint. When one of the characters passed away I actually had tears rolling down my face and had to put the book down for awhile. Ms. Dye brings her characters to life so realistically that you feel as if you actually know them. Keep them coming!

Such wonderful characters in an historic and very believable setting. Thought provoking as well. Ready for the fourth in the series!

I have followed the Bregdan Chronicles from the beginning. Ms Dye is a talented writer who portray both sides of the civil war and gives you a whole perspective. I look forward to continuing reading her books. You will not be disappointed if you join me.

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