File Size: 1047 KB
Print Length: 338 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publisher: Pine Bookshelf; 2 edition (February 15, 2014)
Publication Date: February 15, 2014
Sold by: Digital Services LLC
Language: English
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
X-Ray: Enabled
Word Wise: Enabled
Lending: Not Enabled
Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled
Best Sellers Rank: #2,921 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #12 in Books > Christian Books & Bibles > Literature & Fiction > Westerns #12 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Literature & Fiction > Genre Fiction > Westerns > Christian #16 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Literature & Fiction > Classics > Western
this series can be compared to Lonesome Dove.the reader is taken back to the old west with believability yet a good story.I just wish that someone had done a better job of editing these books.
I have read all 4 of the McCabe books, and while the story is good, the typos and editing are absolutely horrible! If you are reading this Mr. Dennison, please have someone proof read your work next time.Aside from the nonexistent editing, which is very distracting to be honest, I loved the McCabe Family. Book 1 was wonderful, book 2 was good, but it was down hill from there because of the editing issues. Different character names where they didn't belong is such a stupid thing to over look. Ruined the flow for me. If these stories had not had the editing errors I would have given every one of the 4 books 5 stars!
WESTERN STORIES ARE MY FAVORITE. READING _I think I have read. Every. LOUIS L'Amour book -more than onceSO I am so glad to see a new writer to bring us some new WESTERN STORIESI have just finished reading Return of the Gunhawk -thoroughly enjoyed ok every chapter -felt like. I was right there helping them -I'll be checking my kindle for the next book(I HAVE READ ALL FOUR BOOKS -bring on more)Thank you ever so much!!!!PAT NORTON
How can you have so many typographical errors in a digital book??? Doesn't anybody proof read kindle books??? I would think it would be very easy to correct them at any time. Aside from that this a very good book, as were the first two in the series. I would recommend them even with all the typos!!!!! Maybe can come up with a tablet that will correct these things as you read since nobody bothers to do it before they present it to the public as a kindle book!
A little disjointed at first, I believe chapters two and three were switched; but it took nothing away from the story which as usual was terrific. I thought perhaps a rotten apple had shown up in the McCabe line, but t'wernt so and the line remains pure. This one was the best and will be hard to follow up on.
A great next chapter of the life of the family McCabes. I was truly effected by the created characters of this family. I was especially touched by Hiram, how his mother raised him and all that he lost in the end. If you have read the first books, you must read this one. There are so many changes and additions.I can see this Clan triggering a western movie.
This was a really good book and thought the description of the times in the west and the people were close to the way they lived. I wish had read this first as had already read 2 more in the series , but this kid a stand alone book but know if you read this like me you will read them all.
Another excellent Western about the McCabe brothers. Johnny gets a surprise when he arrives in California. Will this be a problem that will separate or unite the family? Looking forward to reading Book 4 through 7.
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