File Size: 926 KB
Print Length: 337 pages
Publisher: Henry Holt and Co. (BYR); 1 edition (May 10, 2011)
Publication Date: May 10, 2011
Sold by: Macmillan
Language: English
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
X-Ray: Enabled
Word Wise: Enabled
Lending: Not Enabled
Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled
Best Sellers Rank: #125,381 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #15 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Teen & Young Adult > Science Fiction & Fantasy > Fantasy > Historical #34 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Children's eBooks > Literature & Fiction > Historical Fiction > Europe #42 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Teen & Young Adult > Historical Fiction > Europe
I really enjoy this entire trilogy and plotline, and you can reference the other reviews for more general information about it.For those who are parents (like myself), it's good to be aware that the books show slightly more debauchery as you progress through the series, so you'll want to consider the third book before deciding whether it's appropriate for your child. My 9-year-old is an advanced reader and I let her start after I finished book 1, though now I'm wishing I hadn't.The details for other parents:* The first book starts relatively mild with some crushing and some kissing, but nothing super extreme* The second book includes more crushing and more kissing, and a reference during kissing of fingers sliding down toward a neckline. There's also an extended party scene, in which alcohol makes the party very fun for everyone involved. The "fun" angle is mentioned a number of times, and the only drawback that's shown is the (teen) protagonist drunk karaoke singing a song 200 years before it's written which embarrasses her, but it's presented in a way that's more funny and fun than bad. The next morning she's described as lucky not to have a headache. That party scene also mentions someone who gropes women under a pretense of picking a crumb off their shirts, or various things of that nature (he's described as annoying).* The third book again includes crushing and kissing, and another party scene in which alcohol (for teens) plays a large role, the parents are at the party but also quite drunk themselves, everyone is talking about how fun it is, how this person's parties will never again be described as boring, and calls from the crowd for a striptease.
Kerstin Gier's U.S. fictional debut that releases Ruby Red, Book One in the Ruby Trilogy, is sure to be a hit when it is released to the Teen market this coming May. Gier shows a bit of fresh ingénue with her new twist on Time Traveling. Clever, witty, and adventurous ingredients make this new Young Adult novel very intriguing, and certainly a one-sitting page-turner.16 year old Gwyneth has been raised in a rather odd family, a group of rather overbearing and rigid relatives that are members of a Time Traveling Society that has been around for centuries. Every few generations a new traveler is born, and this chosen soul is trained from birth in the arts of proper costume, etiquette, weapons, music, and history of all the centuries they will travel to while on their missions back into the past. In Gwyn's family, her cousin Charlotte is the last traveler to be born out of the chosen 12, and is about to take her first journey when something shocking occurs. It doesn't happen. She doesn't travel. But Gwyn somehow does, and uncontrollably without training. Unbeknownst to the family, Gwyn's mother secretly lied on her daughter's birth certificate in order to safeguard Gwyn against a life of mystery, time travel and the danger that comes with it. Suddenly the family is outraged at this gross act of manipulation but must accommodate swiftly and bring Gwyneth up to speed quickly as their new spy and time traveler. She is necessary for a long planned plot to outwit some travelers who have their own agenda to sabotage the ultimate mission that will reveal a long lost secret.Along with her male traveling counterpart, the dashing and handsome Gideon, the two teenagers engage in acts of espionage, private investigation, ancient devices, magic, and for Gwyn, murder!
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