File Size: 3001 KB
Print Length: 383 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publisher: Platypus Press (January 2, 2012)
Publication Date: January 2, 2012
Sold by: Digital Services LLC
Language: English
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
X-Ray: Enabled
Word Wise: Enabled
Lending: Not Enabled
Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled
Best Sellers Rank: #52,728 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #12 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Teen & Young Adult > Historical Fiction > Europe #13 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Children's eBooks > Literature & Fiction > Historical Fiction > Europe #39 in Books > Teens > Historical Fiction > Europe
I'm glad I came across this book a day or two ago because it's a delightfully clever and fresh twist on an old classic tale.Take everything you know about Robin Hood and his Merry Men and turn it on its ear. What if Robin weren't a young man, but an 18 year old girl?In order to maintain and strengthen his position in the land, Lord Robert Locksley arranges a marriage between his eldest daughter Robin Ann to one Phillip Darniel, the sheriff of Nottingham! Robin, who's always been headstrong and much more interested in male pursuits such as going out into the woods and archery, will have none of it and would rather leave everything she knows and loves, including her younger sister maid Marian, behind and fend for herself in the woods. Slowly but surely her sense of honor and natural leadership has outlaws and the downtrodden of Nottingham flocking to her like moths to flame. They don't know Robin is a young girl though, as she's disguised her voice and is never seen without her hood.This is such an interesting twist on the old tale, and told in such a great way that it's like being introduced to these classic characters for the first time. Twists on Will Scarlet and Little John as well as Robin herself makes this a fun and exciting read from the first word to the last. It also introduced a world of possibilities and problems for the characters. Will Robin ever reveal her secret, her true identity? Will she ever see her family again? When she starts developing feelings for one of her Merry Men who still thinks she's a boy, how will she handle this?
As with the author, one of my favorite books when I was a kid was Howard Pyle's classic "The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood." Likewise, one of my favorite TV shows in the 1950s was a British import, "The Adventures of Robin Hood," with a lively theme song that went "Feared by the bad, loved by the good, Robin Hood... Robin Hood... Robin Hood" (or something like that). And with all of the movies made over the years, the story of Robin Hood and his merry men is one of the most popular and enduring legends from medieval Europe.Author R.M. ArceJaeger has done a fine job with her own account of the legend, with one major twist--Robin Hood was actually a young girl, Robin Ann Locksley, daughter of Lord Robert of Locksley. In the author's version of the story, Robin's father has betrothed her to the Sheriff of Nottingham, who, as the king's appointed tax collector, was hated and feared by all. To escape her fate, Robin ran away into the depths of nearby Sherwood Forest and became known as Robin of the Hood, or simply Robin Hood, as others, mostly outlaws or farmers who had been dispossessed by the sheriff, began following her. There's one catch: out of necessity, Robin had disguised herself as a man.A number of the familiar characters and incidents from the legend were in the book. Little John, of course, was a principal character, as was the Sheriff of Nottingham. Allan was a talented minstrel who sang about Robin Hood's exploits and spread his (her) fame. Marian was an important character, but not in the same role as the Maid Marian in some versions of the story. One character that I missed was Friar Tuck; however, other characters provided enough comic relief that he wasn't essential to the story.The author's writing style was polished and professional.
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